Bonus Three

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48 Hours

"One day... one day... I was really really really really sad..."

"Kana... stop repeating that song, Jesus. We get it, okay. We been knew you are sad." Bam complaint as Gulf has been repeating that lyrics for God only knows how many times he repeated it.

Gulf has been effectively spending his time being the third wheel on Mark's and Bam's bed. He is right in the middle of the couple. Mark is unbothered and being the pro gamer that he is.

"hurm... the last time I checked, someone said no one could resist him. The clownery is real" muttered Bam sarcastically but loud enough to be heard by Gulf.

"That is your dumb plan, Bam, not mine... For one day, one whole day... I missed you really really really bad..." By now, everyone knows that song is on the top of his playlist.

"Kana... If you really missed him, go to him... go and see him. Talk to him. Not by intruding my life with my boyfriend! Goddamn it!"

"... and a single tear, trickled down my face..." Gulf just continued to sing aesthetically in sad tone.

No one, literally no one, Mark suddenly got up from the bed and called someone on the phone. Gulf and Bam was confused at the sudden moves and stayed confusedly quiet.

"Hello dude? Listen to me, Mew... take your man Gulf Kanawut back for real before Dixie could sue him for singing her song over and over again. Just give him what he wants. Not me getting mad over the fact that I can't make out with Bam because-" Mark ranted at Mew but he could not finish his words as Gulf snatched his phone away and threw it onto the bed.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M LEAVING!" Gulf yelled coldly at those two.

Before Gulf let his toes out of the bedroom, he added "Now, fuck all night long! Don't even stop. Hope you stuck in Bam's ass-"

Bam immediately shut Gulf up by throwing one of his pillow onto Gulf's face. Gulf threatened to throw back the pillow as hard as he can and Bam's face perfectly buried into the pillow.

Before Mark could throw his pillow at Gulf, Gulf's sharp brown eyes scarily stared at Mark. That was enough to make everyone afraid of him. Emotionally unstable Gulf is very hard to handle.

He left 7075 and got back into 7077, leaving the other couple doing their private stuff.

As he entered his condo, he let out a heavy sigh, a sad sigh. He stomped toward his room but he stopped middle way. He stopped walking just to take a glance at Mew in his bedroom through the undisclosed door.

Mew was lying on his bed while listening to music as well as humming it, a while after he got an unexpected complaint phone call from Mark. Few seconds later, he noticed a figure standing in the dimmed living room but it was just bright enough to know who was that person.

The moment their eyes met each other, Gulf just stared deeply into Mew's orbs from afar. Mew could feel that Gulf has heavy feelings just by staring at those intense eyes.

After a long silence as if only Mew and Gulf could hear each other heartbeats, that sad eyes slowly began to appear closer to Mew. Gulf was walking toward Mew. He stopped and stood right beside Mew's bed.

By now, Mew could clearly see his lover face and those bambi eyes in the dimmed night light. Gulf stretched out his arm and lightly tap Mew's shoulder. "Miu..."

Mew unplug his earphone away from his ears after he heard that baby tone. Mew softly asked "What do you want, my Gupi...?"

"If we could not have sex... can we at least.. cuddle and sleep together..." Gulf cooed in his tiny language. His adorableness hits Mew right in the heart and Mew cannot help himself not to beam a smile. Why are you so cuteeeee...

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