Chapter Twelve

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Waiting for Gupi

"What should we do now?"

"I don't know... Just look at him now, he's playing under the rain.." said Mark with much sympathy in his tone. He and his bandmates were now witnessing their drummer who was running and jumping like a kid under the pouring rain as he consumed a large amount of alcohol. It was enough to numb his broken heart.

"I think he listens to Rain On Me too much recently. Blame Lady Gaga" said the vocalist jokingly.

"Jae! Don't you feel pity for him?" uttered Mark sternly at his bandmate.

"Chill Mark, I was joking. I do feel bad for him... It's almost midnight now. Let's take him home" said Jae while pitifully staring at Mew who was playing under the rain. It must have been a lot for him to take.

"Mew! Let's go home. You're gonna sick for real!" yelled Mark as the rain was loud. He pulled Mew with him and led him under the roof.

"Mo'rk... lemme go~ I am waiting for Gupi..." Mew pouted at his friend cutely. Mark chuckled softly at his friend. For sure, Mew will be a joke for his bandmates after this.

"Mew, you are drunk, let's go home" Mark supported Mew's waist and took him to his car.




Bam had stayed with Gulf since morning, looking after his friend in 7077. Gulf was not in a mood to talk so he just stayed quiet even though Bam whined to him so that he takes his medicine on time. Bam alerted that there's a change in Gulf's behavior and expression as his expression was more toward stress rather than cold. As it was like something was playing in his mind.

Bam took a glass of water for his buddy and sat down opposite Gulf at the dining table. He gazed at the confusion played on Gulf's face before he handed the glass to him.

"Do you feel better now, Kana?" asked Bam. Gulf only nodded his head as he answers. Half true and the other half... his heart was not at ease.

"Are you really okay, Kana? You haven't uttered any word... Do you think I believe you that you are okay?"

"is that matter? Whatever, I'm okay" for the first time that day, he spoke in his usual cold tone.

"Then, why do you look like you are solving the hardest mathematics problem or stress to be specific? Kana, you can tell me anything. In the end of the day, I am your mate.. " he asked jokingly but the truth is, he himself felt worried for Gulf. Gulf just glared at Bam as he was not having his joke. 

He took a sip of the plain water as he do not want to have any conversation at the moment but Bam...

"Is it about Mew?" as if Bam could read someone's mind, he just said the content of Gulf's head out loud. Gulf stopped sipping his drink and froze for a moment. Then, he just sighed.

Bam knew what he means. After all, he is Gulf's best-friend even though Gulf was being a cold jerk.

"So it is about him... hurm.. what can I say? I think you should consider him, just forgive him and befriend him again... or just don't hate him anymore if you don't want to befriend again. Do you not feel tired hating on him for almost 3 years now?" said Bam

"hmm..for you, it's easy to say. But this is more complicated than just being a friend" said Gulf while rubbing his temple as he was having a slight headache. Maybe, it was because he thinks too much.

"Yup, it's easy for me to say because I know nothing. Then, what it is about-" asked Bam but the main door suddenly slammed open. That person was Mark and most shockingly, the other person's who was supported by Mark looked very terrible.

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