Bonus Two

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Two can play this game

And there was Gulf who stood by his bedroom door with an unpleasant expression, looking at Mew who was strumming the guitar on the couch, in the living room. Gulf has been sulking for quite some time now.


It has been 2 days since Mew imposed his no touching punishment, or no sex for 10 days punishment to be specific. What troubling Gulf is that he needs to refrain himself from touching his lover, nor touching himself sexually too.

Mew in the other hand, he is doing well even though he is the hornier one. Gulf sighed for the 69th time today as he returned to his bed and sat on it.

Not long after that, the main door of 7707 opened as Mark and Bam appeared behind that door.

"skrt skrt Mew, I'm here for your boyfriend" greeted Bam while teasing Mew as he stormed into Gulf's bedroom. Mark proceed to slump himself on the couch, sitting right next to Mew.

"Close the fucking door" said Gulf coldly to Bam, ordering his best buddy to close the door for him. Bam was a little bit shock by the coldness in Gulf's voice.

"Woah woah woahh... what's with you, Kana? What is wrong with you" Bam asked in a high pitch tone.

"It's him..."

"Who?" asked Bam. Gulf sighed and rolled his eyes up as Bam is not getting the point.

"Mew..." now the sad and sulky tone came out of Gulf's throat.

Bam raised his eyebrows and proceeds to walk toward the bed. He buried himself right next to Gulf and asked "Mew? Why? Did you guys fight again?"

"Huh..." Gulf sighed as he grabbed one of his pillow and hugged it against his body. Something made Gulf refrained himself from saying what he actually wanted to say. Mainly, he is embarrassed of what he is about to say. How will Bam react?

"So, you are not going to tell me, Kana?"

Gulf lowered his head in embarrassment as he peaked a glance at Bam. "Uhm... I.."

"Boi, if you don't-... just freaking tell me" Bam was getting impatient as he folded his arm against his chest.

"Mew punished me..."


"Punish me... punish me... no sexual intercourse for 10 days"

"Oh... wait, WHAT?"

"I said Mew fucking punished me by not fucking each other. No sex for 10 fucking days! Do you understand now?" Gulf almost yelled as his expression was deadly furious but he immediately calmed down. That was making Bam shook.

Bam collectively trying to get himself together and understand the situation. As time passed by, Bam awkwardly laugh "Ha ha ha..."

Gulf sighed again and stared at his unhelpful friend. I swear to God, why do I have a bestfriend like him... at least, make him less stupid.

"Urm chile anyways... So... Mew punis-" Bam could not even finish his words as...

"Do not make me repeat what I said just now." warned Gulf firmly and coldly.

"Okay-Okay, geez... No sex for 10 days... Aww... that's cruel, lowkey"

*PAKK! Gulf gave a smack onto Bam's head

"That's why I called you to come here, I need help"

"Help? What help? Help you? No No No, Mark will kill me if I help you-"

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