Bonus One

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"Do you not know this animal is called an ostrich, Bammie?"

"I know! I go to school... bOOiii.." uttered Bam while Mark was smiling cunningly to mock his lover.

"Then.. what will happen to the world if turtle doesn't exist" asked Mew to everyone. Gulf was fast to answer first "I know!"

"Because without turtles, there wouldn't have any turtles" answered Gulf confidently.

"Gosh.. we stan an intellectual. My Gupi is so cleverrr" complimented Mew stroking Gulf's fluffy hair and showered him with kisses as a present. Mark and Bam just cannot dealt with this extra lovey-dovey cringe thingy. I wanna puke for real...

Mew and Gulf stopped when the other couple was high-key judging them. Mark and Bam were staring at them with a 'what the fuck' expression. Bam broke the silence "You two did not... babe, people in love are stink"

"If Mew and I are stink, then you and Mark are disgusting" Gulf clapped-back to Bam.

"Bitch, try me." Bam was ready to grab Gulf's hair. Their boyfriends just shook their heads while watching their lovers were bickering like a child.

Lunch break is over, it's time for afternoon online class session. Knowing that Gulf had no afternoon class, he had something on his mind. But first, he needs to get rid of other entities in his house. "Bam and Mark, if you got no class to begin with... The door is always open for you guys to walk your ass back to your own house."

"It's the something fishy right here for me... You don't kick us out for no reason... Now, you want us to leave you two alone. Okay, we been knew..." uttered Bam as he stared at Gulf suspiciously.

Gulf just smiled sheepishly while tugging his imaginary hair behind his ear. Then, he immediately pointed to the main exit and coldly said "Leave, NOW"

Bam sighed and rolled his eye in response to Gulf. "Let's go Marky, they need a room ASAP"

"We might need a room too, baby" grasped Mark into Bam's ear. Mark sneakily grabbed Bam's butt-cheek.

"Dzon't zo it, zon't zo it.." Bam slapped Mark's hand as he walked toward 7075.

Now, Mew and Gulf are left alone together. And because Gulf got no afternoon class to begin with, he is getting bored or more like he wants more attention from Mew. He leaned and rested his head on Mew's shoulder. "Miuuuu... Are you done yet..?"

"Not yet, Gupi.. Lemme finish this zoom class first" replied Mew. Gulf shook and rubbed his head onto Mew's shoulder to plead him, hinting that he want something from Mew. Gulf groaned cutely "Mewwwww..."

"What is it, Gulfy?"

"...since we're alone now... I want youuu..." uttered Gulf.

"Wait for a while... it's won't take that long, half an hour more and then, I'm all free for you. We can cuddle all day..." said Mew but Gulf shook his head left to right verbally to him. He doesn't want to cuddle. He wanted more than that.

"You don't want cuddle? Then... what do you want..?"

"want you.." muttered Gulf in his airy voice. Mew was stunned when Gulf suddenly licked Mew's neck in front of the webcam. Luckily, they were out-frame as Mew tossed aside his laptop.

The sexual tension was suddenly arisen. Mew felt ticklish as Gulf began to suck his neck. He gently pushed and stopped Gulf. "Gulf stop... We're gonna get caught by my classmates..."

Gulf was sulking immediately as he pouted the lower part of his lip. A part of his disappointment was because Mew rejected him but that's not the deal. The real deal now is that he is already growing hard down there. His gray sweatpants is getting tighter.

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