Chapter Twenty-four

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Football and chill 18+

It was weekend, so there was no class. With the lock-down curfew, no one could get out of their homes without a proper reason. But these couples were having the best time of their live.

The chaotic 7075 couple.

Bam was still bitter about Mark with his games. So, Bam decided to take a sweet revenge on him. The revenge was very simple. He just gonna copy what Mark did to him.

Now, Bam was focusing on his phone, playing a game with Mark. Mark was happy at first but they played for almost 5 hours by now and the sun began to depart soon.

"Bammie... let's stop playing... Baby... let's cuddle.." this was the first time ever that Mark actually stopped playing game first. Bam did not bothered by Mark as he continued to play.

"Baby... stop is almost night now.." begged Mark.

"Let me finish first" said Bam coldly. Mark felt hurt by the cold treatment. This must be how Bam felt when he ignored him that day. Mark thought to himself. Karma is real.

"Please Bammie... we can play other game.. on the bed..." Mark was hinting a love game while pleading Bam. He leaned his forehead onto Bam's forearm, brushing his nose onto Bam's skin. Now, he is the one who needs attention.

"No. Let me play this first" Bam being cold again and ignored Mark.

"Why do you have to talk with that tone.. you are not Gulf.. Bammie, I want you now..." Mark began to hug his lover's small waist.

"Nope, periodt!" I'm not gonna be easy...

"Bam, why are you like this...?" asked Mark in his sad tone while staring at Bam. He was frowning and pouting sadly to Bam. Bam sneakily smirked but he quickly put a fake front. Oh no, here he's a baby again...

Bam suddenly put aside his phone and stared at Mark intensely. He folded his arms against his chest.

"How do you feel?" asked Bam.

Mark was confused.

"I ask how do you feel right now? Mark?"

"I feel sad.. I don't like it! I don't like you ignored me.." whined Mark.

Bam smirked in victory.

"That was exactly how I felt when you ignored me last time" Bam stated a fact right there. Mark was dumbfounded as he was speechless.

Bam still mad at me...?

"i.. i.. i.. I'm so..sorry..." stuttered Mark weakly. His expression was hinting guilty and sorrowful. Bam could see his lover's face was like trying to hold his tears. His heart was softened immediately as he never thought that Mark would react that way.

How can he fucked me when he is this cute and a cry-baby... Bam chuckled softly when Mark started to cry. He immediately hugged and embraced Mark.

"Aww... such a cry-baby" Bam wiped the other person's tears by using his thumb before he suddenly pinched Mark's nose. Mark flinched.

"Bammie.... what was that for?" he whined while rubbing his reddish nose to shushed the little pain away. Bam giggled at his lover's cuteness.

"You are so cute, Markieeeee. I was just kidding~" uttered Bam. He smooched on Mark's nose, cheeks and lips, showering him with make-up kisses. Suddenly, Mark pushed Bam, leaning him against the couch. He was pinning Bam down.

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