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Imagine going late night shopping🤩

You squeeze your eyes shut as the sound of shattered glass reverberates in the still night.

After a minute passes by without any other noises, you slowly open your eyes to see that you are still alone.

You sigh in relief before picking up the shovel you had just used to destroy the windows of the Able Sisters' shop and slip into the opening you had created.

Broken glass crunches underneath your feet, but you don't care. It was clear that no one was around to hear you, and even though there had been a light on at Tom Nook's store, you knew he wouldn't interfere.

The small store is crowded with a wide variety of clothing, and the coat you had seen earlier in the day catches your eye instantly. 

You trudge towards it, pausing to look over your shoulder, before taking it off of its hanger. You rip the hefty price tag off of it and hold the coat up to the moonlight; it looked just as beautiful as it had that morning.

Only difference was that you could now afford it.

Happily, you slip your arms into the sleeves and button it up. It was a perfect fit!

You turn to leave, only to come face to face with Sable. She stands outside your personalized entrance, standing excruciatingly still. 

Your stomach sinks as you notice her horrified expression. Your grip tightens on your shovel as Sabel's eyes land on the tool before drifting up to your face. 

You watch each other in painful silence until Sable sniffles.

"Y/N? I-I came back because I left my scissors here." She finally says, her voice cracking. 

 You subconsciously adjust the burlap sack you had used to cover your face; apparently, it didn't do much to conceal your identity. 

You study her.

Would you have to kill her? Robbery wasn't that big of a deal, but this would most definitely shatter your reputation. You didn't want to hurt anyone, of course, especially not when you had grown a soft spot for the reserved hedgehog over the course of a few weeks.

As you contemplate your choices, Sable steps through the hole in the window and pauses a few feet away from you. 

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" She asks carefully, and you're ashamed by the fear in her voice. You didn't want a friend to feel this way about you, which is exactly why you had decided to do this at night as opposed to in broad daylight. 

"I came to jack your shit," you tell her, before swinging your shovel over your shoulder. 

Sable, understanding your threat, begins to cry.

"Mable was right about you." She sobs before shaking her head in shame. She points at the glass fragments scattered around her feet before mumbling, "Well, not about this exactly. She was right about you only hurting me."

At this, you furrow your brows. You weren't exactly known for beating people up, so why would her sister warn her about you?

You eye her curiously. "Why would she say that?"

Another stretch of uncomfortable silence appears between you until Sable groans. Her hands fly to her face, and she rubs at her eyes.

Finally, she uncovers her face and glares at you. 

"She knows I'm in love with you!"

Her face flushes at her confession before she quickly looks to the floor. 

Sable was…in love with you? Sure, Mable had made some questionable remarks whenever you visited them, and Sable's reactions were even more telling, but you hadn't thought it over much. 

Caught off guard, you let your shovel drop back down to your side.

Before you can acknowledge her feelings, Sable sighs.

Your eyes widen as she turns on her heel and marches towards her workplace. You watch her retrieve her scissors and point them at you.

She was going to kill you.

Understanding this, you lift your shovel across your chest protectively. 

Her attack never came. 

"I'm going home." She tells you bitterly, and slips her weapon back into her apron. "Help yourself to our stuff, I guess. I can't stop you."

The coat suddenly feels suffocating. 


"Don't let what I told you stop you." She snaps, still avoiding your gaze. "It doesn't matter; I know you're already interested in someone else."

You watch her bowed head as it begins to shake. She whispers, "Unless I'm...mistaken?"

Her head pops up at your lack of response, and you can see hope gleaming in her eyes. 

Before you can answer, something heavy slams against your head.

Your body crashes to the dirty floor of the store as Sable screams.

"Sable!" You hear Mable cry as someone steps over you. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt??"

You turn your head to see Mable's feet rushing towards her sister, who is staring at her in horror. 

"Mable!" Sable breaks into sobs again. "You killed Y/N!!!"

"Y/N?!" Mable questions before turning to stare at you. Recognition flashes across her face before fury replaces it.

She marches up to you and harshly prods you with her bat. You groan at the dull pain.

" Y/N alive?" You hear Sable ask from across the room.

"Not for long." Mable replies darkly, before swinging her bat over her shoulder. Quietly, so only you can hear, she hisses, "You've gotten away with ruining so many people's lives. We won't be next."

Your hand reaches out for your shovel as Mable brings down the bat.

Pain explodes across your back. As Mable readies herself for another attack, you grit your teeth against the pain and snatch your shovel. You roll out of the bat's reach and shakily get to your feet.

You can see Sable hiding behind her sewing machine before you turn to face Mable.

You stare each other down until she furiously swings her bat at you again. 

It catches on your shovel, and you manage to knock it out of her hands.

You hadn't anticipated being caught, but it is now clear that someone is destined to die tonight. 

As Mable turns to retrieve her bat, you raise your own weapon.

It wasn't going to be you. 

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