Wings are made to fly

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Taehyung is frustrated, annoyed and bubbling with anger. He is really having a very terrible day. He woke up late and that too in some stranger's bed. Not only he had to deal with a very awkward conversation but also this dude lived in other end of the city. He was super late for work and screwed up a proposal report. To say his dad was disappointed was an understatement.  Then he had a "DATE" with Ann ( you remember her?) that felt like attending business economics lecture. He truly feels like jumping off the building.
Some how he makes it out of work and decided to visit his stepmother. Last time he visited his parent's mansion was about eight months ago and that too for some business dinner.
"Master Kim."
Who is this women ... A new maid??? What happened to last one??? This women is so old can she even work???
"Master Kim."
"Oh are you new here?"
"I have been working for 2 months now... Though I have heard a lot about you."
As he enters the hallway, first thing he noticed was all of his paintings were missing they were replaced by some artifacts... 'Oh great now this place looks like a museum... It looks like a horrible haunted museum.' He thought to himself

"Tae baby .... How have you been?"
They hug eachother. Taehyung already feels better.
"You lost weight and is that dark circles. Are you not eating???  Do you even sleep Tae??? God...."
"I am fine mom."
The maid comes in with a glass of strawberry juice and Taehyung accepts the drink.
"What happened to the other maid?" He asks after the maid left.
His mom's face pales but still plastered a smile.
"She quit"
"Ok, but don't don't you think this one is little old for job why didn't you hire someone younger?."
Tears pool in her eyes for a moment but she just smiles.
"Don't judge people Taehyungah... Come let's talk we have a lot to catch up."
Something is definitely wrong but he ignored it, may be he will ask her later. Time flew by easily they talked about his life, work, his brothers, new business project and his marriage. His mother seems super excited about it.
After dinner they walked around mansion reminiscing old memories. As they reached the hallway with weird artifacts Taehyung remembers about his paintings.
"Mom where is my paintings?"
"Oh it's in the storeroom son."
"Store room.... Why?"
"That's exactly where it belongs."
Mr. Kim interrupted them earning a gasp from his mother.
"If you didn't waste your time in those scribbles may be you would have learned to make a better proposal report."
"Dad." Taehyung said with clenched jaw. For him those paintings meant a lot it represented memories, feelings and emotions. It represented him.
"Park Family would be visiting soon  and I don't want them to think there future son in law, my future heir is just good enough to colour. I want them to believe in you and take you seriously and these paintings .... that's not you. They were just hobby and nothing much. You are meant to be at top of the world so stop whining over colours and start...."
Taehyung has heard enough. He turns around and kisses his mom's cheeks and walks away. He could hear his mom calling after him but he needs to get away. He starts his car and drives without knowing where he is going. An hour later he finds him driving on a familiar highway.

"Hey hyung."
"What are you doing here? Are you okay? Did you drive by yourself?"
"You invited me Joonie hyung, remember."
"I do and you are always welcome here Tae. But did something happen?"
"Oh now I can't even visit my cousin and his fiance without any ulterior motive."
He says wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh and where is Jin hyung?"
"Is here..." Jin interrupted them. He is somehow gracefully balancing three glasses of orange juice and a plate of snacks.
"I am so happy to see you Tae."
"Oh you are my favourite hyung."
Namjoon just rolls his eyes but joins them with fond smile. As he was about to sip orange juice his phone rang.
"Excuse me boys" and he left to attend the call towards the bedroom.
After ending the call he comes out to see Taehyung on the floor with tears in his eyes and still laughing at some joke Jin cracked.
"Leah called in and said she knows someone who can work in the bookshop." Namjoon said to Jin.
"Why do you need someone ... Aren't you both already working there?" Tae interrupted.
"Well Joonie is planning to work in nearby music studio and I am thinking about completing my master's, so we thought about hiring someone." Jin said,
"I am so happy for both of you" Taehyung said with a boxy smile. Namjoon was really happy to see his little cousin so relaxed.
"How long are you planning to stay Taehyungie?" He asked while Jin just rolled eyes at his fiance's antics.
"For a while." Tae said
"Ok, you will be sleeping in couch tonight."
After making sure the couch is comfortable for sleeping (with lot of pillows and Namjoon's favourite plushie: courtesy Jin's glare along with Tae's Tata plushie) and chatting a little bit, the couple prepared to leave to their own bedroom
"Ok hyungs and goodnight."
"Goodnight tae." both of them replied.
The couple knew something had happened but they knew he will open up when is ready to.
"He will be fine baby." Jin said while kissing his fiance.
"I know Jinnie." He hugged his love closer.

Another update

I 💜💜💜 you, BTS
I 💜 💜💜 you, Army

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