I only have you

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Warning : Homophobic language.

Taehyung and Jimin are driving to Busan to meet his parents. Jimin is sleeping peacefully, while Tae is driving, humming to himself.
They have been discussing about it for days. Jimin was worried about his dad's reaction, so he kept on stalling it. His showcase is in two days so Taemin asked him to take a day off from practice. Somehow Tae convinced him to meet his parents today.

Taehyung sighed thinking about possible reactions. He believes it would be better than meeting his own father. After discussing with Namjoon, he decided not to talk to his father about Jimin. God only knows how that man is going to react. He is planning to take Jimin to Vegas and get married there. Once they are married his father can't torment them anymore. He feels bad for his mother, but for him Jimin is more important than anyone in this world. He hopes, everyone will be happy at the end of all this.

It will take at least two more hours to reach Jimin's hometown. The view is breathtaking and refreshing, Taehyung parks the car by the side. He gets out stretching his muscles, they are surrounded by trees, sunlight is slowly peaking through the canopy. He could hear nothing but rustling of leaves and birds chirping. He closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air, he could now hear the waves crashing on the shore. "Wow" he said mesmerized. He was taking pictures, trying to capture the moment in his lens, when he felt small warm fingers curling under his shirt, caressing his skin.
"Baby." He said fondly, clicking Jimin's pictures, who tried to block the camera with his tiny fingers.
"What are you doing here Taetae.?"
"Taking pics, this place is so beautiful baby. No wonder you look like fairy."
"Stop it." Jimin giggled lightly hitting Tae's chest. Tae pulled him closer and bit his cheeks.
"Nope." He started kneading his ass causing Jimin to blush.
"Strawberry cheeks." He murmured nosing Jimin's cheeks. Jimin hid his face on crook of Tae's neck.
"Taetae." He said nervously.
"I know Minnie, I am nervous too."
"What if dad says something?"
"I don't care baby... We are here to tell them our decision, it's up to them to accept it or not. Anything they say or do won't affect our love. So don't worry" He kissed Jimin's hair.
"Okay but I am hungry." Jimin yawned.
"For what baby?" Tae asked seductively.
"Food." Jimin said running towards the car.
Jimin woke up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for them. Taehyung sleepily helped in packing sandwiches. They both sat down on the ground and unpacked the food.
"Minnie, don't sit there. Your shirt will be soiled." Tae pulled him into his lap. Jimin giggled leaning into him and fed him sandwich.
"You too eat baby."
"No, I am dieting for the showcase." He pouted
"Minnie, a sandwich won't make you fat. Common eat."
"Taetae, showcase is in two days. I have to take off my shirt for the solo part."
"Your audience should know how lucky they are to witness that. Damn they should pay to be blessed with this view." His hands creeped inside Jimin shirt fondling his belly button.
"You get to see that everyday."
"I sold my soul to you Minnie, now I don't have anything left to give."
"Mine." Jimin kissed his lips.
They fed eachother and Jimin shared stories of his childhood.

"You mean to say you got scared of a dog." Tae tried to control his laughter.
"We didn't know it was a dog. We thought it was some ghost walking in front of our window. Its shadow was so big, Jaemin started crying loudly. Seeing him cry, made me cry too. Dad read story whole night to pacify us."
"Of God, Minnie. I never experienced anything like that during my childhood. But I am super excited to start a family, I will read stories to our kids every night. I will give them all the happiness in life. Promise."
"Taetae, everything will be okay, right?"
"Everything will be fine baby."
Tae hugged him closer, while Jimin traced the veins in his arms.
"Wah Taetae, you are really sexy." He said feeling Tae's biceps.

Everyone in their village was  staring at Tae's expensive car, with open mouth. It was an unusual sight. Mrs. Choi's eyes widened comically when she saw Jimin sitting in the front. He waved awkwardly.
"I feel like a celebrity." Tae said smirking at few people, some girls even squeaked.
"This place still scares me." Jimin murmured. Tae held his hands closing the window.

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