I want to make you mine.🔞

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Warning : Sexual Content.

It's Saturday, Taehyung and Jimin are out grocery shopping. They haven't spoken yet, it has been 3 days since he returned home. Jimin is adamant that he won't speak until Tae opens up on the other hand Taehyung is scared and confused. He is sure if Jimin knows the truth he is going to leave Taehyung forever, which is worst than his nightmares. They do wake up in eachother's arms but other than that, there is no interactions. Even during Jimin's dance practice, Tae would sit in the corner and drool over him for hours but they would not exchange a single word. Their friends doesn't have any idea what's going on between these two, but they are trying their level best to make things between them normal.

Jimin was picking vegetables when Tae dumped a load of chips and fries onto their cart, Jimin turned and glared at the items. Taehyung has not recovered yet, he is still weak and pale. The boy survived just on chips for a week when Jimin left home. He looks up to Tae, who is walking towards isle where instant ramen is kept. He sighs and pushed the carts towards Tae and gently bumped the cart into Tae's knees.
"Who the..." He stops when he notices it's Jimin.
"Minnie?" He asked confused. Jimin sighs and looks down at chips packets in their cart. Taehyung watches him with confused eyes. Jimin crosses his arms and glared at the packets tapping his foot on the floor.
"Ok" Tae pouts before picking up packets to put it back. His eyes widen when he comes back. Jimin has already filled their cart with vegetables, pulses and meats. He really wanted to buy his favourite potato chips, but he knows pouty Jimin is really scary.
Since they were shopping near their apartment, they ditched car ride. It's drizzling and breezy outside. It's still noon but the dark sky makes it looks like its almost late evening. Jimin didn't allow Taehyung to carry shopping bags therefore he was trailing behind Taehyung. Strong wind is blowing dust into his eyes and mouth.
"I should have brought my goggles." Jimin muttered under his breath, trying to peak the road with an eye closed.
"Minnie let me carry at least one." Tae said tugging a shopping bag. Jimin let go off the bag and walked behind Tae at least he will be safe from the dusty winds.
"Hold me or the wind will blow you away." Tae joked. ' I am not the one who survived on potato chips.' Jimin scoffed mentally and walked ahead of Taehyung.
Suddenly a bright lightening struck followed by a loud thunder causing Jimin to freeze. Within seconds it started raining heavily drenching them both, Jimin ran towards the nearby bus bay to take shelter, Taehyung followed him. They both were soaking wet when they reached bus bay. The place was jam packed. Somehow Jimin managed to navigate towards the corner. There is no sign of rain stopping anytime soon, it's really dark now. He looked over to Taehyung who was leaning into the pole while checking his phone. More people rushed towards them to take shelter from the downpour, pushing Jimin further into the corner now he can't see Taehyung from where he is standing. He pouts and stares at the sky. They are just few minutes away from their apartment, but the rain is pouring heavily it seems like they have to wait a bit more. He stiffened when someone elbowed him.
"I am sorry." A girl standing next to him apologised.
"It's ok." He smiled and looked away. The girl bumped him again.
"Sorry, it's really crowded." She muttered shyly. Jimin nodded with a small smile.
"Hmm do you live nearby?" She asked him. Jimin became anxious at the question.
"No." He lied.
"I live nearby, you could come with me and maybe enjoy the rain with a cup of hot tea." The girl said sweetly, her cheeks turned red. Jimin was confused by the offer. 'why would you take some stranger home? For tea? people now a days are really strange.' he thought.
"Minnie?" Tae's deep husky voice send shivers down his spine, unintentionally Jimin leaned into the wall. Tae smiled at him before standing closer, they were standing chest to chest. Jimin glanced at the girl who was staring at them and then looked away. Tae cracked his neck and ran a hand through his wet hair.
'F#£k' Jimin thought.

Taehyung's white shirt was sticking to his body, there was nothing left for imagination. Jimin tried to maintain an unaffected face, but his heart was certainly not cooperating. As the crowd pushed them more, Taehyung leaned further, he placed his arms at both sides of Jimin, caging him in his embrace. The water droplets from his wet hair was dripping into Jimin's body. Tae stared him intensely exhaling warm breath on his forehead. Jimin's body became warm and needy, his nipples perked up. Tae slid his hands through Jimin's chest, thumbs smoothing his perked bud. Jimin bit his lips trying to stop any voice from escaping. Tae's hand rested on hips, pulling him closer. Their bodies flushed, the uncomfortable feeling wet clothes sticking to skin was replaced by a pleasant warmth. Jimin whimpered when the lighting struck again. Tae buried his nose in Jimin's hair and inhaled the floral smell of his shampoo, while Jimin leaned into his chest, and their fingers remain intertwined.

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