You got me

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Jimin stares at the sleeping boy, last night still feels like a dream. His first kiss that too with someone like Taehyung. It felt like being freed and caged at the same time. He gently stroked Taehyung's lips, cheeks, eyes and carded his fingers through those messy curly locks. The boy just hummed and cuddled Jimin. He stared at the blank walls thinking about what he wants in life.?. He wants happiness.... Can Taehyung be his happiness..??? He sighs before replacing himself with a pillow and making way to bathroom.

Jimin is preparing breakfast when Taehyung hugs him from back and starts kissing the mole on the back of Jimin's neck. Jimin's body looses it's willpower to be a solid body as Taehyung start sucking his necks while slowly caressing his nipples. The ladle in has hands falls as his body melts into Taehyung's. Taehyung turned him around and captured his lips again, slowly sucking those luscious honey drizzled lips, while his fingers intertwined with the other's. He pulled out and pecked his forehead.
"you made breakfast Minnie"
"y...yes e...eggs, toasth, b...bacon, some beans." Jimin whispered still looking the floor.
"Baby.... Look at me."
Jimin shyly looked up to see Taehyung staring at him with adoration.
"Shy baby." He said pulling Jimin closer
"'m not." Jimin pouted
"Ok" he said before biting Jimin's left cheek and sucking it. He winked and walked towards fridge. Jimin's mind went blank, his heart was in his mouth and body felt like floating.

Taehyung parked in front of the bookstore. Jimin opened the door to get out only to be pulled back. Taehyung pulled him into his laps and kissed his necks.
"Baby I will miss you." He said licking Jimin's pulse point.
"Don't go .... Stay here forever, I will take care of you." Tae said smiling fondly.
"Taehyungie ... I will be late and Jin hyung will scold me." He said playing with Tae's shirt button.
"I know." Taehyung pouted and kissed his lips.
"Tae..." Jimin whinned.
"Ok moon ... I will pick you up so wait for me." Tae pecked his forehead.
"Bye Tae." Jimin waved shyly. He kept turning back and waving till he reached shop's door. He stood there and waved till Tae drove away.

"Did you win lottery or something.?" Jin asked with a raised eyebrows.
"Umm no hyung." Jimin was confused
"Then why are smiling so much?" Jin wiggled his eyebrows.
"It's a beautiful morning."
"What.???.... Nevermind." Jin said as another customer came for billing.
Jimin keeps zoning out, he can feel Taehyung hugging him and caressing his body while devouring his lips, it feels like the kiss has unlocked lot of desires of his body and mind.. He wants Taehyung to love him, to do to him things he can't even imagine.

"I know she is beautiful but just be a little subtle." Jin elbowed him
"What.?" Jimin tilted his heads
"Honey you look adorable but don't play innocent card on me." Jin sassed back.
"Hyung I don't know what you are talking about?" Jimin pouted
"You have been staring at the girl for so long and wow she is staring back now."
"Hyung I didn't..."
"Don't worry I will help you just follow my leads." Jin assured him
"No hyung." Jimin shouted
Everyone is looking at them now, including the girl who is scanning Jimin from top to bottom. Jin waved at them while Jimin was flustered by the attention.
"Jimin, you know Namjoon is the densest person you will ever meet but look at us now... We are engaged. So take my advice, you will be thankful later."
"Hyung no I was just zoning out... Thinking about dinner. I didn't even see her untill you pointed her." Jimin pouted
"Dinner.... You were zoning out thinking about dinner? Seriously what's so special about dinner???"
Jimin was flabbergasted he can't say what exactly about dinner was exciting him. "I mean I have never cooked dinner for anyone, so I just wanted make sure it's good." He replied sheepishly.
"Wow.... At least look where you are staring next time... Umm.. hey Jimin that girl is coming this way."
"Hyung .... Please help." Jimin pleaded.
"Just pretend you are blind."
"Huh .... What???"
"Just pretend you are daydreaming... Fast"
The girl approached the counter for billing while Jimin stared the door. She kept stealing glances of Jimin shyly. Jin noticing her, cleared his throat and said "his partner came back from US yesterday I should have asked him to take leave and spend some time together rather than daydreaming." The girl's smile dimmed as she payed and left.
"I saved you.... now thank me later."
"You know a thank you won't hurt."
"I can't believe this seriously.... JIMIN."
"Hyung.... Why are you shouting?"
"..." Jin just glared
"Did I do something?" Jimin asked rubbing his paws.
"You look scary hyung" Jimin said biting his lips
"That's exactly what you did... you ignored ME."
"Sorry." he whispered
"Talk to me if something is bothering Jiminah."
"I am fine hyung, promise."

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