You are not alone

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Warning : Panick attack

Jimin woke up with a banging head and a weight pressing him down.... precisely it's a human octopus cuddling him. Taehyung looks really adorable like ...a baby.... Jimin doesn't remember how they reached back home but he does remember that he never enjoyed life like this before. He felt free, he felt alive.

His head is aching terribly and his earlobe feels itchy... 'Wait is that a piercing... How did I get an ear piercing??? oh wow wonderful... there must be something in that colourful drink he had... I should drink that liquid more often....well now his ear hurts too.'

He tries to free himself from the clutches of this baby octopus man but the boy doesn't move. He will probably sleep peacefully even during earthquake.
"Tae wake up"
"What?" Damn his voice is so deep.
"Wake up, my ear is so itchy itchy." Jimin whinned carefully trying to scratch his ear. Tae just stared at him for a moment still half asleep and then kissed his piercing. Jimin's breath hitched and he was so flustered.
"Your breath stinks." Jimin stuttered
"Hmm... but you like it though." He licked his lobes this time.
"Ew gross ... Get off me" and Jimin left the room with a red face while Tae just watched him fondly.
At breakfast Jin teased them about their drunken shenanigans and Joon just adviced them to be careful in the city.

As days passed by Jimin slowly became comfortable with the city life, four of them became really very close, Taehyung is his best friend and Jin and Namjoon are like his second parents.... more like real parents. His anxiety was under control... Tae never left him alone. Whenever he had off days they would just wander around the city. Taehyung is even teaching him how to drive. The boy would always try to persuade him to continue dancing but Jimin just dismissed him every time, he stood no chance in front of those young dancer who have been training continuosly for years he thought. Tae also found an apartment for them it's near the art gallery. They will move out soon. Namjoon got a permanent job in music studio as an assistant to a music producer. He is also trying to record a rap song. Jin will resume his master's in acting next month. Jimin's life has been steady, sometimes he manages the shop all by himself, he has made few friends too (all of them are as old as his parents) he would often call his mother. she is really happy for him and says everything is fine back home, neither his father not his brother had talked to him yet, honestly he has stopped trying to mend their relationship, he feels like he is the only one trying. Leah is in Sri Lanka now, for some photography project. They would chat whenever possible. Jimin also is trying to learn Seoul's accent. Life is better than what it used to be three weeks ago.

Today Jimin is alone in the book store. Jin is sick, they went fishing yesterday and he got seasick and is resting back home. He is reading a cookbook, now that they will live alone he should learn how to cook. He is pretty sure Taehyung doesn't know anything about cooking, except ramen. The bell chimed and a little girl entered the shop with a woman.
"Good evening Ma'am how can I help you?"
The woman smiled "colouring books please... My daughter just started scribbling recently... She loves colouring I guess."
"Oh that's wonderful." Jimin said and lead both them to the kids corner.
"Little Miss here is your canvas choose whatever you like." He bowed at the girl exaggeratedly who giggled at him while her mother just smiled fondly. Jimin left them to select books and returned to the counter and read his cookbook. He saw a familiar man enter the shop. He has seen this guy somewhere but can't remember. This man is typing furiously into his phone with furrowed brows. The mother daughter duo returned with a stack of colouring books.
"Little miss I hope you enjoyed our humble services."
The girl made faces at Jimin while her mother made payment. "All done darling?" The man asked
"Mmm just finished dear"
The man studied Jimin's face and asked "Aren't you Park Jimin?"
"Oh... Yes.... I am sorry I don't remember you sir."
"Oh I am Jade we used to be in calculus class together. You tutored me. Remember?"
"Oh... Yes I think so, how are you Jade." Jimin was already uncomfortable he knew where this conversation was going.
"I am doing great actually, just moved to Seoul from Daegu, the company I work for.. Kim Corporations... It is diversifying into financial services so they have appointed me as regional head."
"That's great Jade."
"So the bookshop ... is it yours?" Jimin can feel the disgust in the question.
"No it's my friends' I work here." Jimin was on the verge of tears. The woman sensed his discomfort and said to her husband."let's go or you will be late."
"Ok see you around Park" with that they left.
Jimin sat on the ground clutching his heart and voice in his head loud and clear.... FAILURE .... EMBARRASSMENT....YOU SHOULD GIVE UP... DIE .... YOU WORTHLESS HUMAN.... ALL YOU DO IS CRY.... YOU DISGRACE... NOBODY CARES ... PEOPLE ONLY PITY YOU..... DIE.
His heart was pounding on his ears, body shaking and sweating terribly, clothes sticking to his body as if it's trying to choke him. He somehow managed to lock the door and put the "closed" sign and made his way to toilet. He can feel shadows following him trying to drag him into darkness, into the void, he can't see anything .. tears flowing constantly, he tries calling for help but his voice is struck in his throat, there is so much pain in his chest, he can't breathe, he tries throwing up but only bile comes out. The shadow had already reached there .... It's holding a knife ,,, Jimin can't feel his limbs anymore he feels like floating in vacuum, he can't run, can't hide, can't fight, the shadow hovers over him and the darkness eats him.

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