Jimin smiled adoring the purple bell peppers he freshly harvested. It's rare and took him almost 5 months to grow. It's a small variety pepper and is not much spicy but it's very beautiful."Jimin."
"Hello Mrs. Soo and..."
"Oh this is my grand daughter Leah. Isn't she pretty."
"Yeah I guess so." He smiled awkwardly.
"This is how love should be, this is how couples should be." Mrs Soo muttered angrily.
"Nothing. Jiminah I am busy today can you help Leah with shopping."
"Ok Mrs. Soo have a great day."With a cheeky smile Mrs. Soo left them. Jimin waved at Leah shyly.
"She was trying to set us up." Leah said with a warm smile. Jimin just smiled at her nervously not knowing how to respond.
Leah nodded understanding his dilemma and handed over the list of vegetables to him. While he was packing vegetables she tried again to make a conversation.
"You know my grandma just wants me get married soon. She introduces me to everyone."
"She is worried."
"Recently one of my friends got engaged and they are gay couple."
"Yeah and my grandma is worried that city will change me. She wants me to settle down asap."
"Relax Jiminshi I am not hitting on you and my food is not that heavenly and sometimes even I couldn't bear my cooking."
Jimin just bursts into giggles and he relaxed. "Leah what do you do?"
"I am a photographer and I travel a lot but mostly based in Seoul."
" Oh ...Seoul?"
"Yeah and definitely not looking for marriage at the moment."
"Oh... But your family."
"It's my life Jimin, you don't get two lives to experiment and live."
Jimin was speechless at her words."Jiminshi I will share with you my biggest secret ..... I am lesbian."
"What if they don't accept you?"
"Jimin I can't and I won't change myself. What about you Jimin?"
"Me... I live nearby and grows vegetables"
"not that .... what do you want in life Jimin"
"I.... I don't know Leah"
"Grandma told me you have a degree in accounting"
"Yeah... I"
"Come with me to Seoul you will definitely get better life opportunity."
"Leah I don't know what to say... My life has been like for so long, I don't know if I want it to change."
"It's up to you buddy and if you make up your mind just tell me. I am leaving next week."
"I will Leah... and thank you for asking."
"Oh!! you are my friend now and I am happy to help. Let's exchange numbers."
"Sure." Jimin said happily it's been so long since he made a friend and had a peaceful conversation.
"Is that bell pepper?"
"Umm yes ... Isn't it pretty?"
"It's. but I have never seen a purple pepper."
"Purple is my favourite colour. Most people believe it signifies dark and intense emotions but for me its just pure love." Jimin beamed at Leah jumping a little in excitement. She just stared at with a smile.
"You are good man. I am happy we met"
"Oh Leah don't say ... You are so cool." Jimin whined he was flustered by the praise. It has been so long since some one praised him.
"You are rare Jimin"
"Ahh" he tries hard to cover his blush.
"Anyways I should go before my grandma starts preparing for our wedding. Do call me Jiminah"
"I will... Have a beautiful day Leah."
"You too, bye"
Jimin hasn't smiled this much in a long time.. he made a new friend .... "Guess you are lucky for me" he says to peppers.
"Or you may be a little angel." He smiled to himself.It's a short update I hope you like it.
I💜💜💜you, BTS
I💜💜💜you, Army.

You make me Strong |VMin|
أدب الهواة|Completed| "my moon, I will never love anyone like I love you, I am yours, just yours. Please forgive me" a story where two people fall in love and learn to love themselves. But will love heal them or tear them?