Jimin was so excited for days that he could not even sleep but he knocked off as soon as he sat down on the train's seat so he couldn't see much scenery. Leah explained a bit about Namjoon and Seokjin during the car ride. Jimin was really inspired by their story, it made him proud.They finally reached their destination. It's was in sub urban area the apartment complex looked old but they atleast had lift (which made horrible noise as if screaming under their weight). The apartment looked to be in better condition (at least from outside) peach coloured walls and red door ... Wait why is this man laying on the floor...
"Oh Leah.... Hi."
"What are you doing?"
"Oh nothing .... I just tripped." Jimin looked down to find nothing on the floor.
"On what Joonie?"
"My shoe laces." Namjoon replied as if it was the most obvious reply.
"Anyways this is Jimin ... Park Jimin. Jimin this is Kim Namjoon."
"Hello Jimin nice to meet you."
"Hello." Jimin replied shyly the man was tall and handsome, his eyes were kind and had warm smile.
"Well common in guys Jinnie is preparing breakfast for you." They followed him inside it was homely and calming.
"Jinnie, they are here." A man... No a very handsome man comes out wearing pink apron and he too is really tall.
"Hi Leah."
"Hi hyung, this is Jimin."
"Hello Jimin I am Kim Seokjin."
"Hello." Jimin replied rubbing his sweater paws. It has been six years since he met someone new and that too in their home. He is seconds away from having a panick attack. He is not sure about his decisions anymore, even their accent is different. They have already established so much in their life and what has he ever achieved... 'Slap your own old father.'
"He is so cute Joonie." Jin cooed at this baby like man which flustered Jimin more he cheeks heat up.
"Omg can we just adopt him Joonie please." Leah giggled hearing Jin's ramble.
"Hyung?" a very deep voice interrupted this.
"Tae this is my friend Leah and that's Jimin who would be working in our bookshop." Namjoon introduced them.
"Hello Leah and Jimin pleasure....."
Tae just stared at Jimin 'holy shit those lips look like strawberry damn those cheeks... Peach . How the hell a man can be so pretty. Men are not supposed to be pretty. He has spoiled every man for me...'
"Sit down Tae" Joon said "guys this is my cousin Kim Taehyung."
Jimin looked up to see a tall man 'is everyone this tall in Seoul' with wavy black hair and face of a Greek God. The man was staring at him intensely Jimin avoided his eye contact he is pretty sure he is as red as apple by now.They all sat down and started having breakfast, making some small conversation and getting to know eachother. Jimin wanted to use washroom.
"Mr. Kim." And three pair of eyes stared at him.
"Umm wa..washroom." And Jimin stood up. Tae could only stare at those globes ( you know what I mean) ' oh wow that looks like dumplings... freshly steamed .... fully stuffed hot meat dumplings... looks'
"Tae?" Jin said
"Oh I have been craving to eat dumplings for a long time."
"Sure Tae we will have dumplings for dinner tonight and could you please show Jiminshi around."
"I would love that."Taehyung's POV
Oh he is so tiny and doesn't talk much but damn those ass makes it up and his face he could give tough competition to any actress across the globe.
"Mr. Kim."
"Yeah...ummm where is the washroom?"
'Oh his voice is so.... the f@#k Taehyung control yourself.'
"It's this way and call me Taehyung or Tae is fine."
"Ok Mr. Ki...tae."
Tae just giggled at his antics."Joon, Jimin doest have any place to stay so can he just live here for some time untill he is able live by himself.. this is his first time living alone and Seoul could be overwhelming."
"Leah I would love that but Taehyung already lives in our spare room and he will be here for sometime."
"They can share it." Jin said
"Besides I don't want an innocent baby like Jimin to be in this city all by himself"
"It's all up to them, Jinnie " Namjoon said
Just then the duo returns
"Tae, Jimin would be staying for sometimes do you mind sharing room?"
Both of them were taken aback by Namjoon's suggestion. But Tae nodded.
"What about you Jiminshi"
"Ok sir"
"Please just call me hyung and welcome to our gentle abode."
Jimin just smiled at them even if it is awkward, now he is feeling comfortable relaxed and cared for. Leah left them shortly after the dinner. Jimin's things have also been settled and a spare couch cum bed was also put in his room.Dinner was not awkward. Jin cracked his dad jokes, Namjoon just fondly smiled at his fiance and Taehyung... He was lost? distracted? Or may be he is really enjoying the steamed meat dumplings he has been craving for. It's peaceful here no fights, no scowling, no tears, no worries, just smiles.
After dinner Jimin offered to help in cleaning up but Jin just scoffed and told him to go rest. He just thanked for food went to his room Taehyung wasn't there may be is still enjoying his dumplings. Exhaustion took him over and he fell asleep on couch.Taehyung steps into the room to see Jimin curled into a ball on the couch. 'Cutie tiny' he thought and covered the sleeping boy with a spare blanket. He told Namjoon about what his father did. Namjoon advised him to take a break and relax. Well he really took break...by mailing a resignation letter and buying some colours . He turns to his side sees the sleeping boy, mouth open slightly but still has a pout and one of his tiny fist curled into a ball and the other is fisting a corner of blanket. Neon light of the billboard reflecting on his serene face just reminded him of "Moon".
Another update hope you are liking it so far.... By the way dialogues in italics are Tae's mental struggle.
I 💜💜💜 you, BTS
I💜💜💜 you, ArmyBye

You make me Strong |VMin|
Fanfiction|Completed| "my moon, I will never love anyone like I love you, I am yours, just yours. Please forgive me" a story where two people fall in love and learn to love themselves. But will love heal them or tear them?