I am in love with you

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"How are you Tae?"
"I am doing good mom."
"When are you coming back dear."
"I don't know mom, I am in much better space now."
"I am happy for you son, but you can't live there forever son. You have your responsibilities, you can't run from them forever."
"I am happy now, mom it doesn't feel like suffocating anymore."
"But son..."
"Mom ..... did father ask you to call me? Is this is what it is...?"
"Son... No... Yesterday we had dinner with the Park family.... We told them you are in Seoul for business and..."
"Of course you would mom... Hope you are doing well and bye."
He hung up the phone. Of course how can he forget he has a life beyond this bubble he is living now. A life, he never choose for himself, a life that is killing him slowly. He is heir to one of the top companies in South Korea, he will get married soon to a woman, he doesn't not feel anything for. What was he thinking... that everything will disappear and he get to be with Jimin happily. He wish, he was as brave as Namjoon who fought for his love. For him, Jimin is that beautiful dream that we all see but can't do anything other than dream about it. He can't love Jimin, it's like playing with inferno, an inferno that will devour both of them. Jimin is his best friend. They are just friends... that's the end.
"Taetae.... Are you done?" 'F#£k he is so adorable, how am I supposed to control.'
"Yes... Jimin."
"Jimin?.... You never call me that. Did I do something? Are you angry?"
"Minnie.... Come here" he hugged Jimin... 'I can't do this anymore... Love or not that's future Taehyung's problem. I just want to hold my angel now'.
"I will never be angry with you Minnie."
"Even if I punch you?"
"Even if you kill me. I will die happily!!!"
"Oh ... You drama queen."Jimin tried to laugh it off but he was already tearing up.
Today they are moving out, both of them don't have much to pack, just two boxes.

"Jiminah I am going to miss you so much ... You know you can stay here as long as you want..." Jin said
"Thanks for loving me hyung." Tae snickered.
"Shut up brat and just hug me." Jin shouted. Three of them did group hug, with Jin sandwiched between Jimin and Taehyung. Namjoon took pictures of them. He is feeling sad too and he will miss them so much.
"Joonie it feels like our kids leaving for college, leaving their old parent behind forever." Jin sniffled
"I know baby... I feel the same" Namjoon pecked his lips.
Jimin was overwhelmed by this kind of affection even his real family didn't feel this sad when he left Busan. He turns to see Tae trying to wipe his tears, he hugged Tae from the back.
"Taetae we will visit them regularly." He assured them
"We will come here for dinner every night" Tae replied with small smile.
"Ok boys don't forget to eat properly, take good care of each other and call me everyday." Jin warned.
"Hyung we will meet everyday...." Jimin replied.
"Take care both of you and all the very best for future.... remember you can always come here for anything." Namjoon said to both of them.
"Ok hyung bye!!!" Both of them replied together.

Their new home is just 30 minutes drive away but they have been struck in the traffic for 10 minutes, it's drizzling, Jimin seems like he is enjoying the view but Taehyung just keeps on sighing.
"Taetae... You ok there?"
"I am fine."
"Well your face looks like a saturated balloon ... that will burst anytime soon."
"Whatever" he scoffed
"Tell me what is it... I know something is wrong."
"Family... Minnie ...mom called me .."
"Did she say something."
"She..." 'Now is the time to tell the truth and end it here. Tell him how your marriage is fixed. Tell him you have to go back. Save both of you from the pain, from the misery. But he can't because Taehyung is not brave, he is coward. He doesn't want to let go of Jimin. He won't survive without Jimin. He is in love with Jimin and he will cherish it as long as he could.'
"Taetae .... If you're not ready to tell it's okay... Just know that you got me and I will support you."
"I know Minnie.... It's nothing I had a small fight with my father just before I came to Seoul and she just reminded me about it. It's just...."
Jimin's lips formed a "o"
"Are you ok Tae?"
"I don't want the life my father has planned for me .... I just want to go somewhere away from all this mess... want to do something peaceful like... being a farmer ... hmm a strawberry farmer."
"I used to grow vegetables in my father's land ... I can help you." Jimin said.
"Wow we can settle down in some countryside, grow vegetables and rear animals and live happily together." Tae joked and then sighed sadly 'I wish everything in life was that simple.'
Jimin held his hands "everything will be fine Tae ... Don't worry"
"My father is never satisfied Minnie.. no matter what I do, he will always find fault."
"I understand Tae."
Jimin held his hands throughout the ride to their new apartment.

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