Chapter 1

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Lily's pov

"Thank you for picking me up" I sigh as I shrug off my cardigan, feeling relief wash over me. Jace chuckles as he shifts gear. It feels so good to be out of that room, there were so many people. Within my years I don't think I have ever been around that many in my life, obviously apart from shopping, but that's a little different. Not every person there is focusing on you.

Mentally shrugging, I take a deep breath, feeling the warm air surrounding me. At least its not as hot as it was moments ago, especially in that class room.

I really hope it can cool down, there hasn't been a single gale here since three weeks ago.

"No problem, what are roomies for?" I hummed as my best friend - Jace - spoke up as we slid inside his stunning vehicle. Me in the passenger's seat, him in the driver's.

Before we set off, he shoved his sparkly silver object of life into the ignition, the soft rumble of the engine cut through the silence, signalling it was time for us to get a move on. When the air conditioning flowed into the small space, I felt like I was on cloud nine, receiving a soft sigh of relief from the both of us.

Watching Jace fan himself with puckered lips, I couldn't help the giggle as I pressed the bigger button on the centered gadget, letting the tunes echo through the vehicle. Without another thought, we peel out of the spot we inhabited in the car park, enjoying the thrill of the car while it soars down the concrete road, the wind dancing through my mane felt amazing, and refreshing.

Glancing over to my companion, my relaxed state turned into one of shyness, my fingers playing with the hem of my typical white shirt. Now, all I have to do is thank him without being a total Muppet.

"Thank you Jace. It was your day off, and you didn't need to come along, but thank you ... It  really means a lot to me" he flashes me his gentle smile while he trails his eyes down to my lap, which is clad in grey leggings with small black dots by the hip.

"You're always welcome Lily, you know that" he chuckles before eyeing up the large cup in my hands "Where are you going to put that?"

I couldn't help but smile as I trail my finger over the indents of the golden surface, showing the victory I received not so long ago, the outer layer reflecting a soft yellow on to my fingertip.

"I might set it on the corner of the desk ... maybe the window sill" I wonder out loud, being rewarded with another of Jace’s smiles. Letting my gaze travel over his appearance, they soon land on his eyes that are warm like steamy hot chocolate on a winter's day, his fluffy blonde curls kissed with golden highlights from the sun, bobbing as we go over a bump in the winding concrete, earning a squeal of joy from me, and a 'yeehaw!' From Jace.

Jace's voice pulls me out of my day dreaming soon after "Hell yeah! That baby needs to go up, first place is big! I'm so proud of you, I knew you could do it" he compliments, making my cheeks burn, and the event running through my mind …

The ordinary sized room was lit with a pale light, setting the perfect tone for the area, and a relaxing mood for the guests.

Images of multimedia hung up on each surface, decorating the plain room. The creamy walls helped the frames stand out, along with the wooden floor defining the angles of the exhibits.

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