Chapter 2

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Lily's pov

When I was finally able to return to the land of the living - only because my alarm, known as Jace - made an entrance with his a capella of Sia's Chandelier. Not the best, and not the worst thing to wake up to I guess.

Groaning, I sit up from my slouched position, my spine clicking in protest, causing me to make a cringed face.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!".

Sharing a dopey grin, I rub the sleep from my eyes, letting out a soft yawn with a stretch "you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up" I blush, not knowing what to say. However, by the smile on his face, I knew there was something else.

Swiveling round, I cross my arms "and?" He chuckled, shaking his head before allowing his gaze to meet mine, a humorous and mischievous glint flashing through them.

"You know you talk in your sleep right?"

My eyes widened, no! That's embarrassing!

"No! I don't! You're lying!" He burst out laughing, hand slapping his thigh in a fit of giggles, the car making a slight swerve on the road before he gained control again, still giggling away.

"You do! It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen!" I grumble under my breath, arms still folded, eyes playfully narrowed.

"Ok, ok. Let's say if you are right, and I do - but I don't - but if I did … what did I say?"

The evil grin across his face told me that it was going to be something very embarrassing, and he enjoyed it very much.

"You had a big smile on your face … well, more like a dopey grin" I nod, using my hand to gesture for him to carry on "in a lovestruck voice, you mumbled - and I quote - 'Jace … I'm so in love with you, I have been for a while now. You're the most handsomest and sweetest boy I have ever met. I didn't know how to tell you … please be mine!' and that was the end of your confession" He looked so smug and happy at the same time.

If I looked at my reflection, I would see my bulging eyeballs, shaped mouth that could probably hit the floor. There's no way I said that. But if it was in my sleep, who knows what I could have let out.

"There's no way I said that! Did I?!" He burst out laughing once more, tears streaming down his face as he gasped for air. When his eyes met mine, he would lose control and begin another laughing fit.

"O-of course you d-didn't!" He choked, trying to catch some oxygen "you just babble on about eating cookies and donuts, dunking Oreos in milk. Then you started laughing, saying how they should make edible inflatable rings made of the Yum Yum cakes" he giggled, making me join him in the fit of laughter and heaves as well.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea" he agreed with me through his wheezing, and managed to sober up enough to focus on his driving, using the back of his hand to wipe away the water from his eyes.

Sighing in relief that it wasn't anything that embarrassing, I shut my eyes, letting the air conditioning hit me. It is so hot, I wish it would cool down more "however".

My eyes shoot open, on alert that my companion has spoken, not wanting to ignore him "yes?"

He hesitated a moment, and I could see he was contemplating things in his mind "hey, what are you thinking so hard about?" I say, trying to cheer him up, and to ease him into speaking his mind. We always tell each other everything, no matter how late or early we say it.

"You know you can chat to me about anything … right Lily?"

I bump his shoulder, smile on my face, until I see his gaze turn into a natural serious one. Rubbing his arm, I nod "of course I do, and I hope you do as well" he flashes a bright toothy grin, nodding before another idea pops into his head. I could always tell, his eyes seem to get wider.

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