Bonus chapter

103 7 143

Jackson's pov

Pacing the office, I couldn't stop flicking my gaze to the shining silver frame hanging up on the oak book case.

Picking up the glass with the strong bourbon, I take a swig as I run a hand over my chest, feeling the ache in my chest.


Turning on my bare heals, I see my precious jewel shuffling towards me "hey, sorry... I was just thinking" I reply softly as the dark maned woman approaches.

Her slender arms wrap around my bare torso as I set my thick glass down, holding her small frame gently to me.

We slowly sway to nothing but a tune in our heads "are you ok?" She whispers "as can be, my love... You?" She sighs, and I soothingly rub her back, drawing mini patterns with my finger tip.

"Ditto... We lost our baby boy... He had his whole life ahead of him" giving her a soft squeeze, I murmur "I know, Katherine, I know".

A small silence envelops us before she mumbles "that poor girl... She's been through so much. I'm amazed at how long she held on for" I hum in agreement. The disbelief still clinging to me.

"She was a strong one, just like our Jace... That was one of her admirable traits I couldn't help but love" I add.

My beauty hums against my chest, her soft breath tickling my heated skin.

"I hope she makes it... Loosing her will be like loosing Jace... It will be so hard" she whimpers, and I didn't like it.

I pull away from my belove, and stroke her scarlet cheek with the pad of my thumb, drying the trickles of water that had been spilt.

"We can only hope, darling. If the worst comes to the worst... We have each other" I mumble against the dark locks on top of her head before she shuffles back to look up into my eyes, sadly smiling at me.

"You were extremely lucky" she wonders aloud as her dainty manicured fingers trail the scars across my chest. Four out of five long scratches to show the battle I had been through.

Resting my palm over the top of her hand, I respond softly "Yes, I was. You, and Jace were the reason I held on and fought through..." Seeing her eyes shine with unshed tears, I instantly think of a joke.

"And I was lucky to have kept that shotgun" I chuckle.

She rolls her eyes with a gentle laugh "I'm glad you didn't listen to me about getting rid of it" I couldn't help but share a boyish smirk.

"Do I ever listen?" A grin appears on her Rosey lips "no... Unless I convince you otherwise" I give a hearty chuckle, letting her know I agree with her.

I'll admit, she does have my wrapped around her little finger. She's my world... And so is Jace and Lily.

Leaning down, I capture her lips in a sensual kiss. Leaning up on her toes, she kisses back, just as softly as I am.

Pulling her closer by the small of her back, I give a final peck as I brush a lock of curls behind her ear, revealing more of her features.

"Everything will be fine, my love. In the end, it will all work out just fine, and fall into place" I give a comforting smile as she pecks each scar on my chest, from the lowest to the highest.

"That would be perfect" I hum once more before we both turn to the side, still embraced one another in each others arms.

The scent of her peachy perfume lingering in the air around us, it was heavenly.

"We should go to bed, Jacks... It's been a long, tiring day" I nod, now feeling the need of a good sleep. The day was... Hectic, mix in the alcohol and you have a knock out equation.

However, just before we leave, we couldn't help the sighs as we look back at the frame hanging on the podium of the book case.

Knowing each line from the torn script off by heart after roughly ten years ago...

... A bite! The wolf must Cary a special type of bacteria that gets pumped into your system like a snake and it's venom.

Or, as the Greek god himself would call it:

The curse....

A/N: that's it guys! This is the end!

What did you guys think? Feel free to comment below, and on the chapters, all comments welcome, even feedback!

Thank you so much for reading! And I can't wait to see what you think, ciao for now :)

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