Chapter 19

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Lily's pov

"You are free to go" I smile at the nurse as I approach the slider doors, revealing the outside "thank you, for all your help" she smiles before bowing her head, a mop of blonde bouncing at the action.

I take a deep breath before leaving. The fresh air hit me, and it honestly felt amazing compared to the muggy hut I was prisoner in.

Birds sang their harmonies, squirrels playing tag up in the blossom covered tree tops warmed my heart, I have missed this.

Today was my last appointment at the hospital, everything seemed to be healing well according to all the doctors that's attended to me for the past who knows how many times.

However, it has been a month since the accident, no one's found the rabid 'bear' or crazed 'ordinary' wolf that had terrorized me, and killed the missing people... Jace.

We had a funeral for Jace, it was sad, yet lovely at the same time. The remainder of his family showed, along with me and his other friends.

His parents comforted me, saying how they were proud, and how it wasn't my fault. It was a hard time, but we were there for each other through the ceremony.

We made speeches, honored his memory by telling jokes, dancing like he would, and eventually paying our respects as we all left, then I was back at the hospital for even more scans.

I haven't told anyone about it being a werewolf attack, I mean, who would believe me?

So deep in thought, I didn't realize I was outside my house. I have missed this building so much, at a few points, I thought I would never find it again.

Shaking my head with a smile, I stroll to the door, using the spare key under a flower pot to get inside. Jace was definitely right about keeping a spare here.

If it wasn't for that, my dumbass wouldn't be able to get in even half the amount of times I had been.

Looking at my outstretched arm, finding the small battle scars where the beast had punctured me with his claws, a small story hiding behind each one.

The doctors had cured all of my infection from the bacteria, along with the countless amount of stitching I had to have. It was unbelievable....

Softly closing the door, making sure to lock it before heading up to my room.

I easily decide to curl up in bed, with a movie and have that well earned rest.

"Jace, I'm going to get enough rest for the both is us buddy, we need it" I whisper gently, slowly drifting off with my many thoughts swimming through my mind...

Jace, I'm really sorry... I wish I could have saved you, I know you said not to blame myself... So for you, I won't.

I managed to live, for you. I'm going to make sure I tell the kids, when I have some about their crazy uncle Jace...

I smile as I gaze up at the ceiling, knowing he'd be laughing his socks off at me right now.

He's up there, worry free with his feet kicked up, while I'm down here, worrying about him. Shaking my head with a smile, my thoughts soon wonder on to something else.

I couldn't, and slightly still can't believe that I was the wolf's prey, and I managed to survive it, and the weather's might as well...

Sighing, I wrap up, only to feel a small ache in my stomach. It started as a cramp before it transformed into a nagging pain.

Please tell me it's not that time of the month... I can't handle that right now.

As it grew more intense, the sensation welled up into my chest, then to my throat, I rip the covers off me as I lunge across the room into the bathroom, puking all the contents into the toilet.

Groaning, I flush as I stand, brushing my teeth, a hot flush running all over my body, starting from my head, to the tip of my toes.

Leaning over the sink, letting the water trickle at a steady pace from the faucet, I cup my hands under the mini waterfall, splashing it on my face. Almost feeling better than I did moments ago.

Taking a lungful of air, releasing shortly after, I scrub my teeth clean, the fresh mint taking over the bile from earlier.

Bracing myself before I rounded back to my room, making sure my balance was perfect again, I raise my head with hand resting over it, as I decide to take in my appearance.

Hell, I was a mess, my hair looking like it had been in a tornado, my skin slightly paler than it should be apart from the rosey cheeks, but that's not all that the mirror showed.

Instead, I found two glowing green eyes staring back at me....

A/N: This is the end guys! There is going to be a bonus chapter next!

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