Chapter 12

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Henry Giles pov

"Ah! It burns! What's happening?!"

I hear growls and thumping footsteps creeping their way towards us. My heart mimicking the pace.

The cool draft from the rain flowing under the crack in the door, brushing over me felt like heaven at the moment.

Looking at Ben, I give a reassuring nod. He mimics my action before banging as hard as his body would allow him to on the floor as he screamed "I will kill you! Monster! I'll escape and kill you!".

Shuffling towards the darkest corner close by, I take cover with the shadows help, weapon on stand by.

Ben, I thank you for finding this blade under the mass of papers and dust.


The door bounced open, slapping against the wall, and resting a centimeter from its arm.

I knew I was ready to do this, but the nerves poured out of me like a water from a tap.

It snarled, licking its jaws. As it circled round, eyes focused on Ben like we planned.

I hope you can make it Ben... You have to.

It halted in its tracks, ears perked and waiting.


These things act like normal wolves, but I know different. There's no way they're normal, especially with their features.

Slowly, it's ears flattened to the original position. I can use the weather outside as a cover, he would never hear me coming.

Thank you God for the storm...

I've pin pointed the rickety floorboards, making sure they were marked with a smudge of blood, or a section of rags.

Holding my breath, I creep forwards, hiding when the light flashed through the open door.

Rain whizzed past the opening of the hut, the wind screamed outside, thunder booming like drums, and lightning flashing with cackles of electricity.

I was close, this is it.

One jump, one insertion in the right place, and we're free. Free to go home to our families.

Bracing myself, I leap as high as I could on to the creatures larger frame, my arms coiling around its neck like a snake, the blade in my hand plunging deep into its thick neck, hopefully nailing the vein or an artery.

It's body thrashed, knocking me off like a bucking horse. Landing with a thud, I groan as I scramble to my feet. Holding the whimper back from the pain my body is going through.

It made a loud croaky howl as it yanked the blade free, crimson squirting out of the slit.

Ben scurried closer to me as a figure loomed in the doorway. They were human, limp blonde hair that reached the shoulders, plain face, emotionless eyes.

"Sit" the wolf slunk itself beside the man before relaxing on its back paws, low to the ground in a crouch, using one hand for balance, and the second for pressure to its throat.

"You" I growl. His face never changed "alive.... Soon" he turned, and I tell in a raspy tone "what did you do to that poor animal? Why did you let it kill those people?!".

He growled, and I didn't like it, so inhuman. He was fast, I didn't see him really move until he was right in front of me. Like a ghost.

He sniffs, inhaling the air around us. His dead eyes connect with Ben's "change... soon" then they connect with mine.

I couldn't help but feel as if they were searching deep inside me, and it creeped me the hell out.

"Change... To slow" his speech doesn't seem too good, but he looks as if he lives deep within the woods, torn clothes, dirt smudges along with... Blood stains on what's left of the clothing.

The next thing I saw, was the most terrifying experience of my life...

Lily's pov

The writing seemed more shaky, he didn't mention what the end result of the plan was, but I have a feeling it wasn't anything good.

I hope if their plan has failed, they are both alive. Their families must be worried about them, and I wonder how Ben ended up in the woods, and how long he had been there.

As far as I could see, it doesn't mention Ben's story, but that's ok. He and Henry have each other, and they can share their story when they make it out...

Flipping the next page, my eyes widen at the sight before me. Bloody finger prints litter the paper, some were smudges, and some just dotting the edges. It took me a moment to control my urges to gag and hurl the past contents in my stomach.

I wonder if the beast that attacked me was one of the beasts he mention, because fur can change colour sometimes.

Perhaps this creature is one of them?

Clearing my rushing thoughts, I push on in search for information...


That thing, is a nightmare.

I know I'm a full grown adult, but... I've never felt so afraid, not even against the robbery my family and I suffered.

It's... not an animal, nor human... It's a beast. A murderous, bloodthirsty beast.

I have to reanalysis the situation again, the plan seemed so perfect, yet it wasn't.

We failed.

Ben isn't doing so good, he seems to be growing sicker. I have to find a way to get him out of here, if not... He won't make it.

I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with him. It could be some sort of infection due to not having the supplies to clean and wrap the injuries, plus... We don't know what disease they could be carrying.

I'm slowly starting to feel different too, I might even have it. After our plan...

God, it's hard to write...

From here, his writing seemed to slightly grow more scribbled, along with small dots that had dried into the paper with faint trails of ink on the page.

These poor men... They've been through hell, and I'm guessing this wasn't even half of what happened.

Deciding now would be a better time to carry on with the entry, I focus on the next line...

The man... He...

The words that followed, made sure to haunt my brain with the unthinkable terrors that shouldn't exist in the world....

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