Chapter 8

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Lily's pov

As I flipped the cover open, I'm met with sprinkles of yellow dust particles. Coughing, I shew away the unwanted clouds.

This is it...

The first page welcomed me with a neat rectangle image that's slipped from its binding, plopping into my lap.

Carefully picking it up, I softly rub my finger over the photo. The layer of dust easily faded away, leaving no scuffs behind.

It was so quiet, except my breathing and the heavy puffs from the creature. I have no idea why he's still here.

The small photo had a male in the average clothing, if I had to guess, I would say he must be in his thirties.

A light toned buzz cut framed the top of his head, while thick framed glasses rimmed his hazel almond shaped eyes. His face was oval like with plump lips settling under his pointed nose.

He had a slim stature, but packed a little muscle, beside him was a little girl with honey brown locks that sank to her shoulders, her eyes a mid green.

Lastly was a petite brunette with light green eyes, she was really pretty. They seemed really happy.

Smiling, I set the captured memory in place with as much care as possible, making sure it didn't slide out again.

Ok... Now I have to read it-


I jump at the sudden noise, scowling at the wondering animal as it scrapes its nails along one of the posts as it moves.

I let my eyes linger a moment to make sure it's not thinking about doing anything dangerous with me involved.

Is it trying to intimidate me?

When satisfied that he wasn't going to come closer, I scan the contents, making sure to skip all the personal information about his family or other descriptions.

However, one entry did catch my attention...

Friday 12th May 2005,

That's exactly fifteen years ago!

Hi journal.

Today I'm coming home from Jack's. We managed to get the ballroom set, I know she's going to love it.

Liz likes her pinks and blues, I made sure everything was colour coded from the smallest napkin to the largest banner.

I even added some sparklers for her, she deserves them.

This time, the anniversary gift will be a lot better than before, I know I shouldn't be writing while driving, but the traffic takes forever...

I can imagine how he feels. When the traffic gets going here, you feel like a snail blocked off from the race.

I love how happy he sounds, she is a special lady, and it's sweet with all the planning he's doing for her.

Skimming ahead, letting his privacy stay as such, my smile soon drops...

...I don't know what happened!

It came out of nowhere!

Something, hit my car. The poor thing got banged up pretty bad, but I couldn't find the animal strangely enough.

The force of the hit should have rendered the animal immobile, or at least be close enough to me that I could see and try to help it.

The only light source I had this late is hiding behind the clouds, my phone's dead, and I know it's going to be a rough night kipping in the car.

My poor Liz... She's going to be upset, and kill me for murdering the sweet car, Toya the Toyota...

I stifle a giggle at the last paragraph, earning a growl from my capturer. Ignoring the beast before me, I focus on the journal.

However, by the looks of the first sentence, things aren't looking good...

It attacked me!

It was a rabid animal! It... It had the head of a wolf, a dark rusty bronze, but it's fur was missing in some areas.

It's body was tall and lean, thick, but slim in the arms. Both of my arms would equal each of its limbs.

I wouldn't say it fully stood upright like us, it had a primal hunch to it, legs bent unnaturally, arms and upper body like ours.

It's eyes... They were gold, but soulless. Normally the colour would remind me of warmth... this time it reminded me of death.

I'm safe in the car, it's not tried to get me yet, I'm going to get some rest, I'll make an entry tomorrow.

-Henry Giles.

I replay the sentences in my head a few times. He was in the exact same situation as us. Every detail near enough matches ours.

Leaving somewhere late, our car is hit, then we got attacked.

Is it targeting the cars? Is it a coincidence?

And, Henry Giles... Where have I heard that name before?

Come on, think!

I was racking my brain, but nothing was coming to me. Maybe if... I read on, I can uncover who he is... And what happened to him...

The words spin, letters jumbled... What's happening?

Through heavy blurred vision, I see the wolf stirring, pacing. Long pink muscle dropping from its mouth as it runs his muzzle and canines.

Its waiting.

Then it hit me.

It's waiting for me to drop, then...

Shaking my head furiously, I grip the book tightly until my knuckles ached, a cold sweat taking over my body.

There's no way I will be able to keep awake, I'm not going to make it.

But if I fall asleep, he will eat me... Jace would have died for nothing, and I can't let that happen.

I won't let his fight, or his memory die here... But I feel so weak. It's hard to breathe, my body is exhausted from the pain.

Tears dribbled from the dams, weighing my eyelids down even more than what they already were.

The sudden hot breath fanning my face was nearly enough to keep me awake. The stench of blood wafting up my nose, was enough to almost make me hurl.

His rough tongue trailed the length of my cheek towards my temple, leaving a small trail of saliva in its path.

It's tasting me.

The small struggle I gave was nothing as the large hand of this canine held my injured waist in place.

My body slackened, earning a growl from the creature in front of me. I'll let you eat me if you stop breathing on me.

Not really.

The last thing I heard, and felt... Were the growls and fangs of death grazing my skin....

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