Chapter 5

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Lily's pov

As Jace dials and waits for someone to pick up, he takes my hand in his "can you keep a look out?" I nod firmly, then snap my gaze outside. I can't see anything. It's too dark, and it doesn't help that the windows are faintly tainted.

All it was, were trees outlining the boarder, rain began to trickle down the window at a steady pace, along with a small rumble from the clouds above.

"Thank you!" With that, I turn around "they're coming?" He nods like a bobble head "yes!" He cheers.

I couldn't help but sigh in relief, the tension leaving my system "thank God" we both embrace each other, and he whispers "I'll keep you safe, for as long as possible".

My eyes widen in shock "Jace, I don't want you to risk yourself for me. We can do this toge-".

Before I could even finish, I was cut off when a pair of soft lips pressed against mine in a gentle caress.

I couldn't help but peck him back, before we pull away, my cheeks burning from shyness and embarrassment.

"You're my best friend, let me protect you" he murmurs "and you're my best friend too, I won't let you go either, but..." Tears begin to brim.

"Don't, I know what your thinking. If anything does happen... Don't feel bad, I know you would have done everything in your power" I couldn't stop the sad smile.

"And same for you, ok?" He bumps my side, but hissed faintly as he holds his arm for the second time tonight

"Are you ok? Did it hurt you?" He turns his head to the side to inspect his shoulder.

"It's only a scratch, I'll live" he chuckles. I giggle along with him until the sound of glass shattering, and screaming floods my ears.

It was only then I realized it was my screams when Jace is dragged through the smashed window.

"Jace!" I scream, scrambling out of the car as fast as possible, I race round to my friends side like a cheetah.

The wolf was back.

It was clawing, and trying to sink its canines into Jaces throat. "Run! Don't come here!" He wails.

No, I won't run, I won't let it take him from me.

Gathering all my strength, I see the stick lodged in its side from earlier. Running, I yell "get away from him!".

The animal stopped, it's head reared back to stare me right in the eye, glowing brown on normal green.

But that's not what was terrifying about this creature, nor the canines dripping with saliva.

Jace was right, it was a wolf, but nothing like we could have imagined.

Or anyone else.

The height definitely towered to six feet, and those eyes belonged to the animal that chased us after we found the poor bear carcass.

The red under glow of the car helped highlight its features. It's arms were thick with hair sprouting everywhere, but you can see the dark animal like skin in the shorter, balder areas.

It has solid fur coating the body from head to toe, slightly thinner on the beer belly it carried. It wasn't lovely like you would think, it was matted with rot, mud, and possibly blood.

A flash from the sky showed it more, and I couldn't help the slight tremble racking through my limbs.

"That's right you overgrown pooch, come this way!" I yell. "Run!" Jace pleas. However, the wolf turned its head to glance at him, snarling through Barred canines.

"Come on, puppy. Over here!" It let out another growl as it faced me. I sigh as it takes a step, but neither of us were prepared for it to swipe its arm back.

It was silent for a moment, my eyes dropping to Jace, who drops to his side from his knees, crimson leaking from his ear to the base of his throat.

"No!" Dashing forwards, I somehow manage to get past the creature, slipping on the road, and dropping next to Jace.

"Jace, get up, please! We need to get out of here!" He didn't response, he was so pale, apart from the ruby staining his skin.

Sobbing, I hit his chest, trying to get a reaction, but nothing. He was so still, his eyes sealed.

Letting out a small whimper as tears flowed down my cheeks like mini waterfalls, I quickly kiss his cheek and rise to my feet.

Before I could control myself, I rush at the monster, grabbing the weapon I left inside it.

Giving it a good shove, it slides deeper, twisting and wobbling the wooden spear, I plunge it in more than before, causing the beast to howl in pain as it throws me off.

I skid across the wet floor, the rain coming down still. Without giving me time to get to my feet, I hear a thud, then the agonizing sensation around the right side of my hip.

A scream tore through me as it clamped down, it's nails sinking into my arm right arm as I dangle in the air.

All of a sudden, it seemed to fly away, ripping it's jaws and claws out of my flesh, causing me to hit the ground with a whimper.

Agony coated my body from the thudding in my head to the white hot pain in my side and arm.

The rain dribbled over my injuries, mingling with the scarlet liquid trickling out of the wounds before hitting the floor.

I don't think I have ever been in so much pain in my life.

Coughing, trying to catch as much breath as possible, I begin to drag myself across the road.

I don't care where that creature is, I just need to get somewhere, grab help and bring Jace home.

I can't leave him here.

Growls and jaws snapping fade into the background as I struggle to reach the car. It was close, but felt so far away.

The struggle to stay awake was a losing one as my consciousness faded in and out, and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it, let alone make it home....

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