Chapter 18

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Lily's pov

"Thank you, Sir for letting me in and helping me, it has been a huge struggle to get here".

He nods, eyes full of wonder and amazement. My body turning from relaxed into a block of ice.

"Whats-" before he could form the rest of his sentence, his face seemed to pale, probably feeling the warm breath fanning the nape of his neck.

Turning on his heels, the small five-foot six man trails his gaze six feet upwards.

I back away, the cup falling from my grasp while the one on the journal tightens.

A loud raspy scream flies through the air as a bloody gurgle soon follows.

I scream a little at the site of jaws engulfing a small throat, blood squirting to the floor, so I begin to run for the door, making sure to never let go of the book tucked under my arm.

I could hear growls and pounding footsteps as it took chase, the stench of wet fur following me.

My heart was hammering in my chest as I pushed myself to run faster, throwing away my rational sense of pain, along with the ache in the heels of my feet.

Catching a glimpse behind me, I find it pouncing, already mid air. Leaping to the side, I roll across the floor, grunting, hearing a loud crash from behind me.

As I dart off down the path towards the art block, I find it rising to its paws in a daze.

Finding the door open, I dart through.

Why was it open? It should be locked...

All of a sudden, a tall slim figure crashes into me, making me moan in discomfort "watch where you're going!" My eyes widen.

"Missy?" I question, shock on my face "yeah, what's it to ya?" She asks, smacking her gum "we have to go, now" I say in panic, grabbing her.

"Ew, no! Get off, and why do you look like you've been dragged through the woods backwards?" I grumble at her defiance.

"I'm being chased by a large wolf, and it's on its way, we have to hide, like now! Forget about your posh attire and the high almighty ego and follow me!".

She rolls her eyes before rising in her heals "I have a job to do, if your still messing around here, I'll report you" my face pales.

I follow her out, pleading for her to run, yet she shoos me away as her manicured nails play with her hair.

A low growl is heard as a figure emerges from the shadows around the corner.

She rolls her eyes once more as I tense "what a lame costume! Did you buy it from the voucher store?" She cackles.

Baring elongated canines, she Huffs "you need a breath mint, are you in on this?" She asks, facing me.

"Run!" I holler, but it was too late. As she turns, massive jaws clamp over her head, a sickening crunch is heard as blood sprays the walls like a hose, shaking her like a dog to a rat.

Tears leave the rim of my eyes, as I dash inside the building, shutting the door to slow it down as I scurry in one of the rooms.

Good thing, it was spacious, bad thing, no where to hide. No where to run.

This is it, I'm cornered. End of the line.

Moving to the sandy shaded shelf, I grab a Stanley knife from one of the draws.

Looking at the journal, I run the pads of my fingers over the cover as I set it on the surface of the chester drawers.

A groan from the floorboards ring in my ears, and I knew there was only one thing heavy enough to do that.

Slowly turning around, I come face to face with the predator.

Hunched over, dark fur glistening from the rain that's drying from earlier, ruby stained muzzle, and hard sapphire eyes.

"Let's do this... I'm sick of running" I get ready, knife set.

With a growl, it leaped forwards, teeth bared. Slipping out of the way, just in time, I manage to stab and tear the weapon into its flesh, earning a whimper.

If I make the wound deep enough, and hopefully big enough... The longer it will take for him to heal.

Backing off, I charge forwards again, blade raised as I drag it deep across its side, earning a faint whimper this time, blood dripping out.

However, I wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack of his hand. A burning pain sliced through my back, earning small whimpers from me this time.

Heaving, I turn to face it, however, he was ready and behind me. Sharp teeth clamp down on my shoulder, reopening my injury.

Screaming at the white hot pain, I grit my teeth after a second as I drive the knife as hard as I can through the center of his torso.

Dragging it upwards, I pull out and drive it back in, over and over until either one gives up first.

I can feel the sticky substance of his blood running over my skin, seeping through my fingers, and mingling with the dried up crimson, and the new ruby liquid running down my arm.

He releases, and I fall back. His hand covers his wound as he pounces with a raging snarl.

Ready, I plunge the weapon into his chest, twisting with all I had, wedging, wriggling and more twisting.

I could feel his nails in my arms, but it slowly grew slack as the large form sags to the side, heavy pants leaving us both.

My body hurts so much, and he's grown silent... Maybe he's dead?

Not risking it, I stand up, shuffling my way to the journal I have protected this far.

My body feels heavy, like it just wants to drop like a sack of potatoes.

An uneasy sense washes over me, and I knew, I have to go with it as I hear cracking.

My grassy gaze meets bright blue, no more fur, or pointed ears, just a bloodied man in his shredded rags.

I get ready, even though I know I can't keep the tough act up for much longer.

I think he can sense that to by the way his eyes stare me down. He steps closer before stopping as he wrenches the Stanley knife from its home in his chest, red oozing from the wound, tainting his shredded shirt.

Letting it clatter to the floor, he looks at me with calculated eyes before he speaks in a deep raspy tone.

"Prey... No" he sniffs, before growling, but it was different to all the other times.

"Predator... Yes" he nods in a robotic way as he adds "hunter" as he licks his lips, scanning me one more time.

When he was satisfied, he turned on his heals before leaving with a sluggish motion.

When I was sure he wasn't toying with me like a child with their dinner, a flood of relief flowed through me as I crumpled to the floor, managing to knock the old book down with me.

My eyes grew unfocused, disoriented. It was so hard to move now, but at the same time, I felt weightless.

Maybe it's because it's all over, and I can finally rest. Finally, be free and return to my house.

"She's here!" Confusion wrapped around me as my head lulls to the side, meeting the rushing medic.

His uniform stood out in the bright lighting along with a slim lady.

"Ok darling, you need to stay with us, alright? Can you remember anything? Let's start with your name" he soothingly informs.

I couldn't stop the smile "I made it..." I let out a sigh, hearing them murmur things about me, I guess.

I need blood, fluids, food, and a check over at the hospital immediately.

As a team of medics enter, joining the two members, the feeling of being lifted, followed by the hard surface of a stretcher and the pain from my back all rolled into one.

As they carted me out, consciousness was slipping fast from exhaustion, and who knew what else.

But I didn't care, I survived, and I was going home....

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