Chapter 16

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Lily's pov

"All tucked up and ready for bed?".

Jace and I couldn't help but giggle "yes!" We wriggle under the covers, resting our heads on our pillows, mine a pale purple while his was a medium maroon.

"Can you tell us the stories?" We ask, getting comfy. Jace's father's short, light brown hair flopped over to his right side "for little kids, you sure do love horror stories" he grins.

We nod in unison, toothy grins on show.

"Alright then, get comfy bedbugs"  we make sure to get in an even comfier position as he grabs one of the small dark blue stools, setting it beside the bed.

"Tell us, tell us!" We chant, hearing a soft chuckle in response "ok, ok".

"Would you like to hear, a new story?" We nod like bobble heads, our tiny hands linked under the covers, excited for our bed time story.

"This, is a true story, from a long, long, long time ago" he whispers, eyes sparkling with remembrance as his hand briefly touched his chest.

"There was once a Greek God named Zeus, he was the king of the Greek gods who lived on Mount Olympus. He was the god of the sky and thunder" my eyes widen "that's so cool!".

"I want powers like that!" Jace cackles as he throws his hands around, making zap noises.

Giggling, I watch him throw a few more fake bolts before his hand is holding mine again.

His father smiles at us before continuing "however, there was a king who ruled a place named Arcadia. His name was Lycaon" my eyes widen.

"Oh! What was he like?" He smiles, before raising his hands a little, posing as a scary person "very mean, cruel and a trickster".

Instantly I boo the king, saying how I don't like him. The boys chuckle at me, and I pout.

"Ready for the rest?" We nod again. He clears his throat before continuing the tale.

"He decided it would be wise to try to trick the king of the gods into eating the..." He stops, trying to think of the next part.

"Eating human meat? Yeah, that's better" Jace raises his hand, earning a smile from his father "so, he tricks Zeus into eating a person's animal?" The question earned a soft chuckle.

"Sure son, well done" Jace beams up at his father, and was quiet once more.

"However, Zeus was smart, the trick failed miserably, so he made sure to punish the trickster of a king for his deceitful act" I shoot upright at this part of the story.

"How did Zeus not fall for it? What did he do to Lycaon? And is Zeus a psycho?".

An echo of gentle laughs float through the dimly lit room due to Jace's Spider-Man nightlamp.

"Who knows, he was a really smart god, and it's pronounced psychic, sweetheart" he kindly replies.

Blushing, I let him lay me back down beside his son "As punishment for this foul trick, he cursed him to stay in the form of a wolf" my eyes widen.

"Wow..." He smiles while Jace inserts "how long was he a wolf for?" His father shrugs with a grin.

"No one knows, however, as the years went on, new discoveries were found" I listen even more "like what?".

The older male stretches in his seat before responding "you could either be a descendant from Lycaon, so you had the curse of the wolf... Or there was the one where you drink rain from a wolf's paw print, and that would turn you, so you wouldn't have to be a descendant from his lineage".

"Wow, that's crazy! How about the bite, or the scratch? Or what about blood?" Jace fires as he sits up, me following close behind.

I watch as our story teller faintly brushes his chest once more "I wouldn't say the scratch or blood exchange is true. But you will probably get an infection from the bacteria on the teeth and claws, like any animal" he indulges.

"As long as we don't drink from a paw, we're safe? Sounds easy" I giggle. He smiles "exactly".

"So, Lycaon was the first werewolf?" Jace and I ask in unison, making us giggle.

"Yes, he was" we look at each other before nodding our heads "he's got to be the biggest meanie ever, and he gets to be an animal, and he got that power in a bad way" I mumble.

"Don't worry, there's no werewolves around, and if there were, you will be strong enough to beat the meanies" he encourages.

I flash a cheeky smile, nodding my head.

"Hey dad?" He hums "yes, son?" Jace fidgets a little before whispering in the already quiet room.

"How... Did you get those scars on your chest?" His dad tensed for a second, before relaxing once more "a dog was messing around with me when I was younger. Your mum's right when she says boys can be rough and ready like dogs" he chuckles at the memory.

"Yeah, but you obviously won! You're the best!" His dad smiled with adoration.

"Ok, it's getting late, we have to get you ready for bed" he exclaims with warmth as he sets us back down.

Jace and I huddle together like penguins, shifting our pillows together.

He settles the blanket around us more, before tucking us in as he sings our rhyme.

"Tucked in tight, love you with all my might. Good night little bedbugs, time for your hugs" he bends down, hugging us both before placing a gentle kiss to each of our foreheads.

We whisper goodnight before I let my head rest on the pillow while Jace's rest just above mine.

With the soft click of the light followed by the door, I was off to sleep...

Snapping out of my daydream, it all hit me.

That's it!

He knew about them! He's seen one... Those scars! He must have been through what we have, what Henry Giles and Ben had.

He fought one, and won!

The way he told the stories, especially that one, the rainwater. It made perfect sense.

Gazing up in the corner, I debate about the drop of water wriggling in, it wasn't a lot, I just need a few drops.

As fast as I could while I chocked on my desert dry throat, I trot everything I know about them down along with my experiences, and the story.

Lastly, I sign it, making sure to end it correctly.

Sighing, I drag myself to my feet as I wonder to the corner, however the high chirping sound of the nesting birds flood into the room.

I can't risk it, this is it... This is my chance....

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