Chapter 10

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Lily's pov

I'm back journal,

It's the same day, as the last entry. Not many hours have passed by, its still late, nowhere near morning. I wasn't able to get any sleep.

It came back.

The creatures claws sliced through my doors like butter. The action sounded like nails on a blackboard.

I could smell its foul breath leaking through the claw marks. I honestly don't know if I can survive this.

This animal is too strong, too fast.

It's most likely the blood it's after. My arm stopped bleeding a few minutes ago from the attack, I was lucky enough to get away with just a scratch.

I've been racking my brain for what kind of wolf it is, and where it could have came from... But I always end up blank...

That's the same as me!

But, I'm slowly wondering if it could be some kind of mutation that's occurred, maybe it could have been exposed to something?

And it's gotten loose.

I skim over the paragraphs to the next one, I hope this has something...

I managed to escape, I'm in the woods. I found a small hole, but I know it will find me, unless it rains, and is kind enough to dull my scent.

I pray I can make it...

I glide through the words until something catches my eye...

I witnessed something horrible... Some thing horrible... It slaughtered people, it was a bloodbath. A massacre!

But that wasn't all.

I swear it looked right at me. It was holding someone by their neck as it looked at me. The size comparison was unbelievable.

The poor guy didn't stand a chance. He looked like a flimsy piece of bait to a shark. In seconds, the beast reales down, sinking his canines into the blokes shoulder, earning an agonizing scream.

Another thing that rattled my mind, was that it let him live, and took him. But there was another man, and he was with that thing.

The rain was doing its job in hiding my scent. They haven't spotted me yet. I can't believe I had to cross trails with them.

They were probably looking for me, however they found this guy instead.

Regret haunts me for that guy, he got taken because of me, if I didn't escape it wouldn't have happened...

I was too busy trying to get out of there to pay any more attention, I just hope they don't catch me again...

Skimming, I find other things, more about the wolves behavior. That will come in handy...

...They are smart.

There are more of them. They don't form packs, they're more like lone wolves, and vicious if anything comes on their turf.

They like to toy with their prey, make them think they have a chance before they strike. If they're being lazy, they wait till it's asleep, unsuspecting...

My eyes widen as I look towards my arm... It bit me in my sleep.

But why would it only bite once, and not finish me off?

That question has been playing on my mind recently.

Scanning the contents, I soon find why.

If they enjoy it, they make it last. Or if they're bored...

Sighing, I see the same things being said in more depth, and everything's starting to jumble.

This isn't going anywhere any time soon.

All of a sudden, my stomach rumbles, and and my throat grows dry, which easily distracted me from the journal.

I need food, and water, my skin is bring up, and it needs to be cooled down.

Staring at the door, I grit my teeth. There's no other choice.

Searching the room, I find nothing to arm myself with. Rising to my feet, I head to the door. Deep breaths Lily, you got this.

Three... Two... One...

Swinging it open, I'm met by the blinding sun, and a chilled breeze. My side didn't hurt as much as it used to, it just felt really numb and it stung when the fresh air hit me.

Gazing down, my side looked a little swollen with red splashes of blood staining my flesh. I can guarantee my other injuries looked the same.

In the corner of my eye, I found blue eyes staring at me, the large figure hunched in the shadows.

Yeah, I see you.

Casually walking to a pile of logs in the opposite corner, browsing through the selection, I smile when I find a slender sharp stick.

This will come in handy.

Marching towards the treeline, I think about what I can eat. There's berries, but I'll have to find the non-poisonous ones.

Or, I'll have to hunt, and make a fire... Which is the option I like the least. I really don't want to kill any animals.

Brushing my mane back, I scan my surroundings until a humid breath fans my neck.

Spinning around, I do my best to push it, but its nails had more of an effect than my weak shove.

With a cry, I slash its chest with my weapon, and give it a daring look as it whimpers faintly.

Fire lit the creatures eyes as it makes a quick motion of its hand, sending me flying through the air, landing with a hard thud as my body rolls like a rag doll.

Groaning, I hold my chest as I heave. Liquid dribbling from some reopened wounds alongside the new ones, staining everything in their path.

Panting, I rotate my head to the side, until i see it. How could I have missed them?!

Hurrying to my knees, I grab a handful before shoveling them in my mouth, the juices running down my chin in mini streams.

They taste so good!

The sweet juices killed my thirst, and the soft textures satisfied my hunger with each bite.

I honestly don't care how much it hurt to swallow, or how the actions strained my injuries, I was starving, and nothing was going to stop me from eating.

Plus, they should be fine, since they look hand picked.

With that I carried on, until it slowly sank in to my brain. My actions growing slower by the second.

If they were hand picked... Who could have picked them?....

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