Chapter 3

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Lily's pov


Groaning, I turn over as much as I could.

"Lily... Up" confused, I mumble for whoever it was to let me sleep with a little giggle on the end.

"Lily, wake up..." I could hear the urgency in their voice, the more I heard it, the more I recognized it.

"Jace?" I whisper, he sighs in relief, the faint click of my belt unbinding me hits my ears.

"W-what happened?" I query softly as I look around outside the window, finding our car slanted across the concrete with tire marks littering the floor next to us.

"It was an animal" my eyes widen as I shoot up, only to groan as a small ache radiates through my temple "easy, you bumped you head" he informs, moving my hip long waves of caramel locks, faint worry highlighting his eyes.

"It ran in front of us... A thump... Did we hit it? I felt the car hit something!" I exclaim. Sadness and worry taking over at the thought of the poor animal.

However, he shakes his head, no.

"We didn't hit it, something hit us. The car swerved the first animal" my eyes widen.

That was the thud.

"It makes sense now... I felt it hit my side... But what could do that?" He shrugs softly "maybe a bear? Didn't you say you thought you saw one?" I nod slowly, that's makes sense.

Grabbing my band from my wrist, I tie my hair into a quick ponytail "let's get home" he murmurs while twisting the key.

The vehicle cackled and heaved, making a backed up choke sound before dying.

"Will you be ok while I check the engine?" I nod my head with a smile "sure, I'll be fine" he smiles before hopping out of the car's confinements, the door thumping as it shuts.

Sighing, I grab a tissue from the packet in his glove compartment.
Using the rear view mirror, I dab my head, the ruby liquid vanishing after a few triee, a small cut left in its place.

Looks like I'll be using a plaster for this bad bo-

All of a sudden, the door slams shut as the car begins to rock. Jace was panting like mad.

"What's the matter with you?" I giggle, facing him head on "you look like you've seen a ghost".

"You know you made the car rock, right? And you said I was bad with doing that while hopping in" I joke.

Taking in his features, I see he was a shade paler like a sheet, beads of sweat running down his face.

"Hey, are you ok?" I question full of concern. Before he could answer, a nasty squealing sound that reminds me of nails on a chalk board surrounds us for a second, two at the most.

"What's that?" My eyes meet his "I-I was about to pop the hood, but I heard it" his voice shaken.

Tilting my head slightly, I take his quaky hands in mine as I ask him in the softest voice possible "what did you hear?".

He took a moment, then two before gulping the lump in his throat, clearing it briefly before his eyes meet mine.

"A snarl".

My eyes gape open "really?" He nods his head, looking around through the slightly tinted glass "yes".

He paused his search before facing me once more "I couldn't turn around, there was just something about it. I was making my way slowly to the car, but I could hear it. It was following me. I dashed and hopped in".

He was so nervous, I don't think I've ever seen him in this state before. It saddens me, and sets me on edge as well.

"Let's check the car, together. I can keep watch, you can fix it... It will be ok" I reassure. He nods, gathering himself after some deep breaths.

"Thank you Lily" he whispers, taking my hand in his for a short minute before we began to slide out of the car.

The sky began to turn a dark blue with black seeping in, the milky ball in all her glory sitting proud. The breeze was dropping in temperature, but not to a chilling amount.

Reaching the nose of the car, we both look around, it was so quiet. Too quiet. Not even the wind whispered in our ears as it strolled past.

"Let's get this done as fast as possible ok? This is giving me the creeps" he mumbles as he pops the hood, hearing the creak as he propped it up.

"That's fine with me".

Shifting to the side, I couldn't help but gasp in shock at the dent in my door, you could actually see the scrapes and indents in the body work.

Edging my way to Jaces location, rub my head. The pounding sensation was vibrating through my skull into my eye sockets.

"Is your head hurting?" I moan in discomfort, letting him know it did. Halting his actions, he swivels to me, embracing me in a sweet hug as his hand strokes the back of my head.

"It will be ok, we just have to fix this and we are out of here, ok darling?" I him, clutching his shirt, feeling the warmth of his body against mine.
It was so comforting at the moment.

"What did it sound like?" I murmur against his chest, and the way he tensed, I knew he heard.

"What did what sound like?" I knew he didn't want to think about it, but if he had an idea, it could be useful.

"The animal... What did you think it was?" He was silent for a second as he pondered the possibilities.

"Maybe a bear? Or a wild dog? I honestly don't know. Maybe it was someone's pet, and it was scared... lost, and thought I was a threat and wanted me gone?" I silently prayed that one of those, hopefully the latter is right.

I don't want to be eaten by a bear, or a rabbit dog.

"I'll keep an eye out" I pull away, pushing the pain to the back of my mind the best I could, I rotate from Jace as he gets to his mission once more.

The trees looked like they had looming limbs, which casted disturbing shadows.

All I could hear was the clattering from Jaces tinkering, which was unsettling.

Why is it so quiet?

I love my nature, I could spend all day being surrounded by nothing but animals and trees.

But this time, I wanted to go home, it all felt so weird, wrong and unnatural.

The sudden rustle of a rodent scrambling out of the shrubs had me on high alert with a racing heart.

Crickets chorused in short bursts every so often, plunging me in a pool of nerves, and fright.

"Jace... Are you almost done?" He was silent.


"Sorry, I was zoned in on this, what's up Lily?" I sigh in relief, he's ok.

"Are you almost done? It doesn't feel right h-here" i thought I was holding it well, until my voice shook at the end.

"Nearly. As soon as we are home, we're getting your head checked, and then your being spoilt" instantly my Nevers rushed away, I know he can feel it to, the tension and weird vibe this place is emitting at the moment.

Lowering his head, I watch him a for a second before my gaze travels to the surrounding woods.

While he works, I make sure my orbs keep flicking around. Waiting to spot anything that may be lurking in the shadows....

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