Chapter 9

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Lily's pov

"Jace, make sure you help her catch up with her work, ok sweety?" I look over at a little boy with short beautiful bouncy blonde hair, and he smiles with a determined nod at our teacher.

He looks my way with a big smile as he hops from his desk, gathers his objects in his small arms and shuffles over to me, before plopping into the chair neighboring mine.

His happy smile made me mirror it "hello!" I giggle "hello!" Our little legs dangling off the plastic midnight blue chairs, inches from the burgundy carpet, swinging back and forth happily.

He links his arm through mine, as we begin to converse about how many sweets we have to share with the people on paper...

I couldn't wipe away the smile on my face, we were only in year two. It was my first day at school, I had transferred from a different one, he was so welcoming, and we instantly became friends.

We had play dates on sunny days, rode home in our car, which was actually his or my mum's.

On the rainy days, we splashed in puddles or watched the wrestling... But it soon came to an end when he had to move far away...

I couldn't stop crying for weeks, my partner in crime had left me. However, when I decided to rent a room at home, after the passing of my mum, a blonde boy with a dashing smile signed right up.

No one else seemed to be interested, or didn't meet the right tasks. I guess I know why.

The male standing at the door, was none other than my old partner in crime from school.

It was a shock to us both when we found out after a month of living together.

It was funny to be honest, our faces looked like they could stretch more than possible.

He had half of our photo. We took one in a sand pit at school, and ripped it in half, he had my side while I had his, making a kiddie pinky promise, if we separated, this would bring us back.

And in a way, I guess it did.

He was an... An amazing guy, everyone wanted to be his friend... But now he's gone, and I will never see him again...

Sobbing, I huddle in the dark corner, the cold slowly creeping in, until something bright and warm caressed my shoulder.

Flicking my watery gaze to the side, they bulge immensely at the sight.

"J-ace?" I croak, he smiles, crouching beside me "the one and only" rubbing my sockets repeatedly, I find him still there.

"How... You-" he embraced me in a hug "it's ok, I know. Don't be sad, I will always be in your heart, and memories" I nod, sniffling.

"You never deserved what happened" I mumble, earning a sigh "it's one of those things munchkin, but I'm fine. You will be too, I know it" I shake my head, no.

"I can't, it's too strong, too fast..." He pulls away enough to look at me "you can, and will do it. Never give in, don't back down, fight with everything you have. Remember, I will be watching over you" I couldn't help but smile.

The coldness I felt soon evaporated into a warm enveloping feeling. It felt comforting, and full of positivity.

"I know you will" he pecks my forehead before whispering "time to wake up, I will see you again one day" I say a quick goodbye before everything went blank...

Shooting awake, gasping for breath, my gaze flying around the room. Pain radiating through my neck and side at the sudden jolt.

Jace's gone, but the dust infested room hasn't. It was only a dream...

Dropping my sight to my heavy arm, my eyes widen in horror. All I saw was red coating my upper arm. It's dry, but some areas look slightly damp... It was everywhere!

Some of it even stained the wooden ground beside me. The stench wasn't the best, but it was better than the foul breath of that animal.

Gazing down, I could easily spot the faint bite mark visible under the coppery liquid.

I gag, but nothing came out. I felt weak momentarily before gazing around the room once more.

The wolf isn't here, but that doesn't mean he isn't lurking around outside. Most likely terrorising a poor civilian, or wrecking more cars like the first beast.

My mind flashes back to what I have read already, a man called Henry Giles was driving the same rout me and Jace had, but after planning something for his partner Liz.

Then he crashed.

He encountered the beast, not long after, but managed to escape by hiding inside his car.

That's as far as I got until that creature attacked me, most likely straight after I passed out.

But how the hell am I still alive? I should be dead, either of blood loss, or an oncoming infection, which I pray to God doesn't happen.

Sighing, I lean more against the wall behind me, feeling something drop from my clenched grasp.

Gazing down, I see my hope:

The journal.

Flicking my green orbs to the door, I could hear the faint sounds of growls outside.

I knew he was out there. He's waiting for me, so he can strike me down. I know it.

But why hasn't he killed me off?

Is he toying with me?

Narrowing my sight on the crooked door, I silently vow under my breath "I will escape, before I do... I'm going to find out everything about you"

My grip tightening on the book, I flip it open, skimming through the slender pages, trying to catch up to my spot from yesterday.

I honestly hope this guy made it out, he seemed really kind, caring... Just like Jace.

Sadness clung to my heart as his pale form crawled into my mind. Sobbing, I shake it away, mentally and physically.

Everything will be ok, I will do everything I can.

Starting with this journal....

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