Chapter 13

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Lily's pov

With shaky hands, I trail over the words once more...

The man... He...

He bit me!

That's not the worst part. I could feel his teeth elongating inside my flesh, the popping of his bones breaking rang through my skull, the sight of his legs snapping into an unnatural angle.

Not even a whimper of pain, especially when his form grew a couple of inches, taking me with him like a crain with a container.

Growls rumble from its morphing facial features, sending vibrations through my skin to my bones, rattling my body.

After that, all I remember is darkness.

Ben told me he had been restless since then, still sick. He had been vomitting, blood as well. They came in to check him over while I was out apparently.

With the knowledge I know now, I can reassess this problem, and find a way to see a better outcome.

One way or another, we will escape.

I'm going for now, but I'll update you...

-Henry Giles

I couldn't help the trembles racking through my body. Fear, anxiety and determination mixed into one big feeling swam through my system, and I had to channel it to keep sane.

But I can't believe it...

His body... Transformed into one of the wolves...

My head snapped up the same time the door slammed open, shaking the small shack. Rising to my feet, I grab my spear, aiming and ready.

I won't let it behind me, I won't let it trick me.

The familiar large figure loomed in the doorway, casting a shadow in the room, small rumbles escaping his jaws.

Taking a deep breath, I narrow my gaze on his as I vow "I know what you are. It won't be long before I find a way to get out of here" which earned a low growl.

"Your not so tough if I can cut you" I taunt. Maybe if I make it angry enough, he will make a mistake, and that will be my chance.

Then I'll be free once more.

Feeling smug at my comment, I look to where the injury sat, only to have my eyes bulge out of their sockets.

Where is it?!

Right... meant to be a werewolf, healing abilities.


Looking down, I see five nails embedded in my skin, dots of ruby welling at the sides, white hot pain igniting the area.

Reaching my free arm back, making sure to swing with all my force, aiming the point of my weapon at its side.

However, I wasn't so lucky. Somehow, it managed to turn itself, and reach down with dagger like jaws, clenching them around the width of the stick, before snapping it like a toothpick.

Horror flooded through my body like a river, my small form trembling as if in an earthquake.

This... Truly is a monster.

Letting the wood clank against the floor, I listen as it sniffs and snorts, dirty breath fanning my face.

Reeling back like a cobra, it's killer teeth shoot forwards, so did my fist as I used all my force to connect it with the snout of the beast.

Growling, it let me fall to the floor, earning a yelp from me. The anger filled figure stormed its way out into the rain, door slamming shut in the process.

I finally felt as if I could breath, and hell... I needed it. I honestly couldn't feel my body, it felt so numb, and ached in my joints.

The injuries I've gained over the days have swelled a small amount, gunky red fluid escaping the puncture wound, puss leaking out as well.

Reaching the smashed window, I throw my head out, hurling all the food from hours ago. I feel so weak, but I have more fight in me.

Sighing, I clutch the journal, keeping it close to my chest. This is my survival.

All I need to do, is study everything in this book, use it to my advantage, and then I will finally get out of here.

Looking up at the rotting ceiling, finding a variety of bugs scuttling around the nooks and crannies caught my attention before my mind wondered to Jace "who knew it buddy, werewolves exist" I mutter.

Our squabbles over which werewolf was better, the Wolf man, or a person shifting into a beautiful wolf. After that, we would argue what fur colour they would have, and what colour was better.

If this was a different situation, and Jace was here... He would be over the moon.

The memories of our weekend sleep overs waddled into my mind, taking my worries away.

The variety of stories his dad told us late at night if we couldn't sleep to creep us out brought a smile on my face.

His wife would come in, scolding him for telling us 'little ones' scaring stories. Being who he is, he joked about it, calming his partner before secretly making scary faces to make us laugh behind her back when she turned away.

His tales began with Little Red Riding Hood to the three little pigs, each time he added something new, always ending up with the wolf being beaten.

Then it went on to the legends of the monsters lurking in the dark.

But, can the legends be true?

No one knows the real story behind these cold creatures. How they became, why they behave a certain way, what their social status is like... But if someone did, they most likely never survived by the looks of it.

That thought gave me a burst of courage, along with confidence. A determined smile settles on my faces as I lean against the wall, weapon in hand.

I'll change that, I'll give the world the answers they deserve when the time is right.

I'll make it. I won't let everyone's sacrifices go in vain. Not a single one of them.

They will be avenged, one way or another.

I'll make sure of it, I vow it. Even if it means that I have to die trying....

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