Chapter 17

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Lily's pov

I wait ten minutes, giving the beast the chance to properly sedate itself, and to reassure myself it would be safe to sneak out.

Grabbing the journal, I set it under my top before taking a deep breath, I skip the mental pep talk, and grip the rough surface of the handle.

No turning back now...

Slowly, I begin to inch the door open, a faint creak spills into my ears, it wasn't loud, but who knew how heightened their hearing is.

Pausing, I sneak a peak through the crack I created to find the wolf fast asleep.

Sighing, I manage to open the door to arms length before slipping out.

This is it, I just have to waddle past the big, bad wolf.

Can't be that hard, right?

My inner self laughed, thinking 'yeah, right'.

As silent as a mouse... Near enough, I tiptoe my way around the large slumbering form, making sure to keep a far distance from it, but close enough to faintly see if the eyes or ears move.

Making my way into the woods, walking slow, need to find the main road-

I mentally shake my head, now is not the time to mentally make a cover of Vanessa Carlton's song, thousand miles.

All of a sudden, a snap is heard, shooting my gaze downwards, I find a pesky twig. Are you trying to get me killed?!

Darting my gaze to the sound of shuffling, I find the creature stretching out before curling up again, ears flat.

Good dog, go to sleep.

I think this is scarier than facing it up close. The tension, the thick dark atmosphere surrounding us just from his aura is off putting.

Brushing my now damp locks from view, the sizzling rain patters smacking my skin, causing my most likely infected wounds to ache.

Without glancing back, I trudge on into the woods, leaving the cabin of hell behind me...

The trek feels like it's dragging on, and on... And on. The scrapping limbs of trees, along with itching thorns probing my skin as I scramble my way through bushes was putting me in more agony.

Exhaustion was clawing at me, but I know I can't afford to stop, for it will cost me later on.

The rain hasn't let up yet, my skin feels cold, but it makes a change to that horrible heat wave I had earlier.

Teeth chattering like a castanet, my feet aching as I clamber my way over reaching roots, and tiny rocks.

I have no idea if I'm going the right way, for all I know, I could be going deeper into the woods, or circling back, or... Stumble upon another one of those beings.


My eyes fly in all directions, so quick, I felt dizzy. A flash of pale yellow hits my vision, sharing a different colour instead of green and mouldy wood.

As fast as my weak legs can go, I make haste to the diagonal left of me. I can make it! I can escape!

Pushing all aches and shrubs away from me, I keep my vision narrowed on the appearing treeline.

A car whizzes past, no! Come back! Clawing my way through the clinging vines and branches, ducking and weaving, I break through the opening, feeling all my energy return.

I must have waited ten minutes, yet no car traveled this way. It is late after all, maybe the ones that I caught were heading home and the last out.

Grumbling, I take in the road a bit more, I see it's that long road that connects one part of the town to the other side of it, so cars can travel back and forth.

I remember having this conversation with Jace before the accident...

Shaking my head, pushing the stinging tears away as I focus on where I am.

The familiar curve in the concrete signaled I was roughly a ten-minute walk from college.

If I bunk down at college, I will have a shelter, won't be out in the open... It should work.

Walking on the far end of the road, I follow the patchy concrete for what feels like forever before I reach the familiar building.

Standing tall and proud in the faint glow of the moonlight. The moon, I couldn't help but grit my teeth.

Werewolves don't need you to turn on the full moon by the looks of it.

The trickles of rain continue, which I'm great full for. He shouldn't be able to track me, but if he does... It should take some time, and hopefully I'll be away from here.

Running to the reception, ignoring the slight sting of the scrapes nature gave me as I traveled through the woods.

Thankfully, the door slid open, the warmth welcoming me with open arms.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" Snapping my head up, I see the soft gaze of the receptionist.

"Mr Wayne, it's me, Lily. Please, I need refuge" as he flicked on a better light, instead of the mini desk lamp, he stammers in shock.

"O-oh my g-god! Lily! What happened to you?!" I huff out a breath as the heat from earlier crept in "I was a-attacked... By a wolf... I managed to escape" I reply.

I can't tell the poor man what I've really been through, it would give him a heart attack, plus he wouldn't believe me.

However, I'm not exactly lying, I was attacked by a wolf.

"We need to get you to a hospital, you don't look so good, you could have an infection, or the flue! Have you seen the weather?!" He exclaims, panic setting in.

As I was about to speak, he rambles on again "of course you have, you've been out in it in nothing more than a top and bottoms!" I share a polite smile.

"Please, go take a seat in the hall, and I'll bring a drink from the staff room, ok?" I smile, giving him many thanks.

He grabs his phone, dialing a number as he walks off to get the drinks, while I go and take a seat in the hall.

I slip the book out, finding it slightly damp at the edges, other than that, it was fine.

"Here you go, nice and hot. The ambulance is on its way. Roughly a two-hour wait" I smile as I stand, taking the cup in my free hand.

Relief rushed over me like a tidal wave. I found help, and I'm going to make it.

Only two hours, and I'll be checked out, and I'll finally be able to go home at last....

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