Chapter 6

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Lily's pov

My eyes felt so heavy, like they were being physically held down. Managing to keep them open, it was one of the biggest struggle. Everything looked blurry from the continuous drops of rain... plus the droplets that managed to get in my eyes, mixing with my tears.

However, by what I could see... The monster wasn't there.

Looking beside me, I find my poor friend...

Painfully staggering to my feet, my injured arm wrapping around my abdomen as I wobble towards the car. Pushing through my pain, I grab his Timberland jacket, and shuffle across the road, softly covering him with the soft material.

Why.... Why did this have to happen?


Turning around at the sound of a horn and a siren, I cry in relief.

They're here!

Driving closer, they pull up and park to the side of the road, highlight everything in blue and red.

"Ma'am are you injured? What happened here?" I couldn't contain the tears as they dribbled down my probably rosey cheeks.

Of course I'm injured. I'm covered in blood with a wound to my side, and arm.

Sniffling I start to inform them "m-my friend, Jace and I... We were at college because I had an exhibition, and he wanted to watch" I see the lady scribble down my sentence.

"He didn't want me to walk back alone, so he stayed to drive me back. We are roommates, so it was easier" the young raven maned lady nodded at her partner, an older grey haired chap, who rushed to get the equipment.

I took deep, shaky breaths as the rain continued soak us "He was driving, and something hit our car-" she raised a brow "hit your car?" I shake my head, knowing what she thinks.

"I know, it sounds crazy, but it did. We thought it was a bear, and then our car wasn't starting and... and it scratched the side of the car. It killed a bear, and..." I look at Jaces body that was being taken care of.

"It killed my friend" I state sadly. She makes note, and I add "I managed to injure it... I had no choice. I used a thick stick, I don't think it could get it out" the lady trots everything I mentioned down.

"Don't worry, it's probably dead" I shake my head, no "no, it came back after I did that. It bit me, and it vanished".

A look of wonder and disbelief flashed through her eyes, and I was hoping the wonder was winning, I can't have her thinking I'm crazy.

"What was it?" I couldn't help but chuckle "you wouldn't believe me if I described it" she sighs, and grabs the medical kit.

"Wait, we need to leave first. It's not safe here!" I panic, she tries to calm me, but I didn't allow it "please, listen. We probably don't have much ti-" I cut myself off as I hear rustling to the side of us.

I could feel the blood drain from my face "alert your team to get in the van, we have to go" I whisper, never taking my eyes off the shrubs.

"Ben, check it out" I see a young medic grab some sort of gun "what's he doing?" I say, nerves flowing through me. This is a bad idea.

"He's going to see what's there, and if anything comes, he will have the thing tranquilized. The animal will be ok" she gives a reassuring smile.

"It's not the animal I'm worried about" I whisper.


We both jump, and I groan from my injury "Ben?" The older man of the trio calls.

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