Chapter 15

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Lily's pov

My eyes feel heavy, skin burning. A cold sweat dribbling down my temple was a big contrast to the dryness in my throat, feeling itchy every time I swallow back any saliva.

I need water, and a good night's sleep...

But not yet, I can't let down my guard, not until I knew it was one hundred percent safe.

The wind stired up some dust particles, sending them on a mission to tickle my nose, earning a painful sneeze from me.

Gazing out the window, I find him returning. Taking a deep breath, in, and exhaling heavily, I hurriedly, trot down how long he was away for.

So far, I've learned what Henry had trotted down, plus what I've analyzed.

It sleeps four hours roughly at night, then I made sure to keep note for any tell signs for whatever he does.

I have noticed how the birds in the nearest tree come alive when he's asleep.

It's almost like a signal for the other animals that the danger has gone and it's safe to come out and play.

In the morning, maybe around what usually looks like eight in the morning, the monster makes a run for water then returns ten minutes later.

However, since I don't know that accurate time, I keep an eye on the wise bird hooting up in the tree in the middle of the clearing we are in.

Now it's came back from hunting most likely, I don't know why it doesn't chow down on me, but I'm greatful it hasn't.

For this activity, a squirrel likes to race around, then the wolf goes off, and takes around half an hour before returning again.

Heavy footfalls catch my attention, instantly setting my heart on a high. As it stalks its way over, I set the book down along with the charcoal stick.

Grabbing my stick, I march outside, the cool breeze helping my heated flesh, the pain no longer uncomfortable "Wolf... I know what you are... Shift".

A low snarl rumbles from under its lips, eyes narrowed, pupils small and almost crazed.

A loud cracked howl screams through the mini building, hitting my ears, causing an alarming sensation in my skull.

The wolf stiffens, angered growls erupting as it spins around. I'm getting sick of calling the animal 'it' or 'he'.

Is it a girl or a guy? How can you tell? Do girl werewolves have boobs?

Actually, I don't want to think about it.

Sniffing the air, I watch in a mix of horror, fascination and shock as the bones crack and pop as they morph into a new structure. Dark fur malting away, floating with the breeze of the wind.

Snout shrinking, limbs contorting into regular widths and angels. However, he's still freaking tall! He's still six foot.

A mop of shaggy tousled raven locks sat on his head, bangs sweeping in front of his sapphire pools, and a sharp angular jaw covered in a light stubble.

He had broad shoulders, wide waist full of what could be seen as muscle, and abs. His clothes were shredded in certain areas due to his body shifting into his other form.

His top was sliced up, revealing said abs and muscle, trousers and pants barely covering his strong legs, but thankfully enough to hide his... Low area.

His eyes trained on the tree line, waiting, shoulders rising with deep breaths.

A tall, wide figure emerges from the shrubs, growling as it stares down my kidnapper.

"Territory?" The newcomer grumbles. He looked around five foot ten, short tangled carrot strands settled on his head, beady brown eyes staring into the sapphire ones belonging to the predator in front of me.

"Mine" he states, low, deep and animalistic. The new guy growls, scratching his bear belly.


Snarls are heard before the raven haired guy replies "food". The ginger licks his lips, revealing gappy yellowed teeth.

"Stay... Challenge?" The blue eyed male roars, getting in a stance "off" with that, hell broke loose.

The intruder charged, along with the owner. However, they both morphed into their true forms, snarls, growls and the ferocious snapping of jaws.

Blood sprayed through the air, staining the green floor a crimson brown.

Teeth tearing flesh, claws carving as punches are thrown, kicks, and more chomping canines.

The one with the raven fur clamped on the carrot shaded one's ear, tearing it clean off.

Cringing at the sight, I see it slowly regenerating. The competitor was gradually making a comeback, only to be bested again.

Whimpers and whines sound throughout the area. In a matter of minutes, the black wolf had the orange one pinned, slowly shifting to its human form as the dark one stayed a wolf.

The trespasser turns his head to the side, whimpering "fine... Leave" the winner snarls.

"No" with that, sharp canines tore through flesh and bone, ripping out the frail throat of the opponent.

Reeling his large shaggy head back, a victorious howl is let loose before its bloodthirsty eyes drop on me.

Backing up, I slip inside the cabin trying to catch my breath after the event that just occurred.

He tore his throat out like it was nothing! How strong is he?!

The way things are going, I can see I'm going to have a slim shot at this, and I can't allow any muck ups, or that will be it.

Henry was right.

They are vicious, cruel and terribly strong. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to survive this.

If that's how he treats his own kind, what can he do to me?....

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