Chapter 4

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Lily's pov

I have no idea how long we have been out here. Jace was hunched over, still figuring out what could be wrong with the car.

However, I was on alert, never resting, scanning our scenery, watching as dark fluffy forms polluted the night sky.

Why did the exhibition have to be so late?

Sighing, I shuffle to the driver's side, tiredness slowly creeping in a little more now. With a small arm stretch, I rest my back against the metal surface, only to feel something poke me.

Confusion struck me, triggering the investigator in me. Turning around, my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets, jaw slacked, hands shaking "J-Jace, you better come look at this".

Hearing the soft thud of the hood as he gently shuts it, before the sound of his shoes scuffing the ground caught my attention as he made his way to me.

His curious gaze locked on to me, which turned to concern. Following my line of sight, his expression became the exact mirrored copy of mine.

The once smooth midnight blue surface of the BMW, was now tainted with five long, jagged, silver swipes.

"I-I think our bear's back" I stutter. I could hear the nervous gulp from my companion, and if he was on edge... then that easily set me off.

All of a sudden, the once silently still bushes rustled to life. I would say it was the wind... But I don't think the wind is strong enough at the moment.

A squirrel?

Rabbit maybe?

The next thing I knew was something warm and muscular wrapping around my waist. Sighing at the comfort swirling in me, I set my arm around his waist as well, giving him a side hug.

"You see the stick by your foot?" He whispers. I nod slowly as I glance at my feet.

"Slowly, pick it up" doing as he said, I slowly sink to a crouch to grab the wooden object.

Rising at the same pace, he takes it in his hand as he cautiously makes his way in the direction of the sound.

"Jace, what are you doing?" I question as I hesitantly follow him.

As we neared, my heart was hammering in my chest like a jackhammer to concrete.

My eyes raked the scenery before me, trying to peer through the trees, but it was hard,it was dark and there wasn't any helpful light either.

Persevering on, I glance at Jace who was concentrating immensely on the tree line, stick firmly grasped in a clenched fist.

Eventually, we make an abrupt stop, my hand flying to cover my mouth as a gasp breaks free. Tears welling up to the brim.

"Don't look" he whispers as he tucks me under his arm against his chest. My small form shaking against his larger one.

"We found our bear" he mumbles more to himself. I shake my head as I look at the poor animal.

It had chunks missing, revealing organs, muscle tissue, and bone. Deep jagged slashes across the chest and facial area, blood leaked out along with torn flesh. Some of the injuries sank down to the bones hidden in the deeper cavities, it was gruesome.

Shoving my head in Jaces side, I take deep breaths to prevent the gaging, bile trying to rise like lava in a volcano.

By the time I calmed down, the sudden tenseness of Jaces body had me on alert once more. This time, it seemed different.

"Don't move" he whispers under his breath.

"What's wrong?" I reply, mimicking the same tone. I have a really bad feeling about this.

"Look" was all he said.

Rising my gaze towards the dark shrubs and tree clusters, I found nothing at first.

Then I spotted it.

Two glowing brown orbs.

"Slowly, move backwards" together, we take a step back, cautious and slow. Taking another, I felt my friend's arm tighten on me.

We halt our movements as soon as we see the orbs rise to at least six foot in the air. I was five foot five while Jace was five foot nine, so this is massive.

We took one more step before the trees began to dance violently, the sound of the canopies shaking hit my ears, but I knew that it wasn't because of the wind.

"Run!" Jace yells as he pushes me ahead of him. We both sprint back towards the car "don't stop!" He calls ahead as I race across the solid ground to our vehicle.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see something  large move in the dark, it was after us, and it was going to do whatever it took to get us.

I almost screamed as it pounced towards Jace, who looked ready for it.

He spun with the stick, smacking whatever lunged at him, in the face. It snarled like a rabid animal and grabbed him.

The pained cries from my roommate shook me to the core. He needs me. I have to save him!

Skidding to a stop, I swivel and dart back. Searching for something to give me the upper hand, I squabble around the floor until I find the stick, the end more splintered this time.

Swiping it from the floor, I hurry to the two figures, getting as close as I could, only to freeze.

All I could see was a hunched over figure on my friend, the body covered in mangled fur, with a muzzle full of rows of razor teeth, and curved triangular ears.

I love my animals, and I would never wish to harm any of them, but this is a life or death situation.

And Jace needs me.

As hard as possible, I jab the weapon as hard as I could into the animal, earning a whimpered snarl to echo in the space around us as it rolled off of Jace.

Grabbing him under the arm to raise him to his feet, we run back and jump into the car, nothing else could be heard except our pants echoing off the walls.

"T-thank y-you" he heaves as he catches his breath, palm clutching his arm, beads of sweat dripping from his brow.

"No p-problem" I say breathlessly. I watch as his face pales "it was a monster, a wolf" I nod my head in agreement.

"I think that one was rabid" he shook his head violently to show he disagreed.

"No, it was something... Weird! It was tall! I couldn't make out much without a light. But I know what it sort of was" he rushes out, stumbling over his words as if he's trying to make sense of them himself.

"Are you sure it wasn't another bear?" He said no repeatedly before adding "it sounded, and had the head of a wolf, but it was tall..." I take his hand in mine, giving it a soft squeeze.

"We need to call for help" he grunts in agreement. When he whips out his phone, we both stare in horror.

"For fucks sake!" He growls. The screen looked like a splintered spider web "must have happened in the scuffle" I state sadly.

Sighing, we sit back, until I remembered "use mine!" I go to grab it, only to remember "I... Didn't bring it" our heads hung low, and glance at Jaces device.

As we tap and fiddle with the buttons, the glow of life gave us the hope of surviving this, and we both couldn't help but thank the lord.

"Let's call for help, and get the hell out of here"....

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