Chapter 11

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Lily's pov

Could the man in the journal... Could he have been the one who picked them?

No, they would have gone funny by then, it was over ten years ago. Someone else must have.

Glancing at the wolf, down to its hands, the worse came to mind.

It's paws... Are just like hands.

Its burning sapphire eyes zero in on me as it stalks its way around me to the food, rumbles escaping its muzzle.

Arming myself with my trusty stick, I wonder back to the den, watching as the sky darkens into a smokey shade.

Taking shelter inside, I see trickles of water drip from above as I shut the door, leaving the foul creature to do whatever it wants outside.

Using the back of my hand, I swipe the liquid from my mouth, hissing at the pain as I lower to my ass.

Swiping up the old book, I focus on the words before me...

I'm back journal.

They caught me again. I was too slow for the likes of them. They roughed me up pretty good, to the point where I couldn't stand due to exhaustion.

The man... He was brought back along with me. He was a mess, bite marks, slashes from claws, with blood dripping down his pale skin.

Not long after he woke up, we aquatinted and concocted a plan. To make sure we memorised it, we ran through it over and over again.

We wrote it in the dust littering the floor, if they came, we could rub it away. Those mutts may be smart, but we are smarter.

The monster that held me captive, and toyed with me, is dead. The new one took it out with ease. This guy is slender, yet thick. Fur like dust itself, eyes like dying grass.

We originally planned to feed it bad food, but we knew how that could turn out if we weren't lucky.

So, we planned to face it head on...

Henry Giles pov

"Pst" looking up from under heavy eyelids, I throw my gaze at the poor frail man before me.

Groaning, I fully face him as I pull myself up "hey man, your still not looking good" he shakes his head, waving his hand in a dismissive motion.

"Probably the dust" I raise my brow, and he uses his fingers to dust off his short cropped brown spikes.

"You would think with how smart they are, they would do some dusting" I couldn't help but laugh at his attempt to clear the air and brush away the negativity.

"Thought more on any part of the plan?" I couldn't help but chuckle at his question, but it came out raspy from the lack of water, and the laughter moments ago.

"Yes, but honestly... Look at the result for the first idea we spawned" I suggest, glancing at the slowly healing slash marks on my side.

"I know... I'm really sorry-" he heaved and coughed, a cold sweat breaking through his skin.

Shuffling over, pushing the pain to the back of my mind, feeling the creaking boards beneath my scratched up feet.

"Calm down, deep breaths" I murmur gruffly. He nods during his heavy pants "o-ok" he whispers, taking as much air as possible before letting go.

"Better?" He nods, leaning back against the thinning wall "much, thank you" I give him a smile, before looking at the door.

That monster is out there somewhere. Maybe waiting, I honestly have no idea, but it's best not to risk it and rush into anything.

Gathering all the dust on the floor nearby, I fan it out in a big enough rectangle "here, watch me. This should help if it happens again". I drop my gaze down to the floor.

He nods, getting the idea as he takes a look at the door.

One of us, needs to distract it, while the other gets the advantage for an attack.

I watch as his eyes scan my movements, scanning the indents in the dusty surface.

Ok, I have a good feeling about this. It could work...

It will work.

Nodding once my way, I begin to scribble the details down until thundering footfalls hit my ears

Hurriedly brushing the evidence of our scheme away, we sit and act like nothing was happening.

Lightning flashed, illuminating the outline of the hairy fiend. Its beady eyes scan the room, snarls and rumbles rolling from its muzzle.

Keeping our heads down, so we look unchallenging, it snorts with another growl before the door slams shut, causing the room to shake faintly.

Sighing in relief, I look at my friend as I gather more dust as I scribble down more words.

We can do this. You're really sick, we can't risk your life. You cause a distraction, I'll attack.

He looks at me with sympathetic eyes as his hand clasps my shoulder. Smiling, I settle mine on his as well "we will make it" he grunts in agreement.

"We should rest, tomorrow will be the big day"  making sure my companion was comfy and settled for the night, I take my place, making sure I blew away the inscription.

The floor wasn't comfy at it, it was one of the struggles, along with finding food to provide us with energy.

I remember the desperate times, that beast wouldn't let me out one time, so my friend showed me how to catch the rain... and the beatles.

Shivering from the cold, I curl up into a fetal position, the thoughts about all the possibilities swimming around my mind.

All the good out comes from us escaping and getting help, to killing this bitch, and going home to our families.

Then the bad, it kills us, we starve or die from dehydration... Or we get an infection.

Shaking the bad ideas from my head, I cover my splinter ridden feet with a rag, my eyes closing as the wind howled outside the hut, whistling through the cracks in the door.

Before I drifted off, the thought of my family consumed me....

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