Introduction to the book

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Hey guys!

This is my new werewolf book I've decided to work on.

Why? Because I thought I would try to do one project (this) and make it the best as I could.

Here's the part your all waiting to read, the intro/info about the book :)

1. This isn't going to be your typical fantasy werewolf/wolves with humans and them getting along and mates, or the beautiful wolf forms and so on.

(I love the books about said stuff above by the way haha)

2. All italic writing is going to be flashbacks or writing. The bold in a flashback is to show it's writing.

3. There will be gore, that's why I've set this to mature, because I'm going to make it as gory as possible since it's going to be a mix of a horror and action book, so anyone who can't handle it, please don't read, or skip.

4. All the artwork/drawings in this are drawn by my own hand (I use references, then draw what I see)

5. Also, I will put songs at the top of each chapter for you guys to listen to while you read (don't have to haha) I will also take suggestions from the comments to put in other chapters :)

6. This is a cheeky note for you amazing readers:


7. I'm avoiding as many clichés as possible! Let me know if you think I've done well, all feedback is welcome.

Feel free to comment what you think on all the chapters, I love reading them even if they're: questions on the book, feedback or what you like :)

Speaking of like, please smash that vote button haha.

I think that's all for now, if not, I'll be back to update this page, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the book!

I hope your all doing great and having/had a great day, keep smiling and stay awesome :)

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