Chapter 14

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Lily's pov

After thinking about the good times with Jace and his parents, I managed to catch some sleep. The beast didn't pester me.

I must have been awake for at least an hour, it was mid day, the heat has risen a degree since yesterday.

I've managed to skim over a few more pages, but nothing is standing out. Nothing is helping me at the moment, and my hope is slowly ebbing away.

Henry keeps mentioning their behaviour, so I've made sure to study every word as if it was for a high grade in an exam.

If this is accurate, I might see something soon.

He mentioned how they can be territorial, they don't need a lot of sleep, have strong endurance, vicious, and like the thrill of a hunt, toying with things like a cat to a mouse.

So far, these facts are very true. However, I haven't noticed it sleep. That is going to be a main priority to keep a look out for at the moment.

All I have to do, is keep my guard up, never give it a reason to chase me, or injure me, and play the waiting game.

These plans are going to need accuracy. The slightest slip up might even end with my death.

I can't have that... Not yet.

This absolutely sucks. I honestly have no idea when or how I should keep an eye out for the wolf, just watching it could cause it to become hostile towards me.

Sighing, I listen to the patter of the rain, the temperature dropping once more, the faint echo of thunder echoed in my ears, why can't the weather make its mind up?

Gazing at the books contents once more, amongst the scribbled words, something caught my eye...

Journal, I'm back...

I've been getting sicker. The man that bit me, he and the wolf took Ben. I kept watch, it looked like they let him go free, but why?

Another thing I've gathered, is the man is the dominant one of the two creatures.

This must've been that guys territory, and the wolf wondered in, wanting it... and they faught for it.

Guess it was its lucky day, since the bloke let it live, and stick around-

It suddenly cuts off, so I turn over, finding the script's all messy, the words no longer intricate but now it's wobbly, shaky even.

I know now!

I know why they got rid of Ben!

I think... He was turning into one of them...

My eyes widen, thats true to?!

I thought that hopefully it wasn't possible, maybe just a made up thing, or something.

Intrigued, and nervous, I carry on with the paragraph...

It makes sense, they wouldn't want any competition, and kicked him off their land.

But... How did they infect him?

Could it have been the bit?

Most likely-

It cuts off yet again. Growing urgent, I flip the crinkled pages until it states:

I know for certain. Your turned by-

My eyes widen in horror.

The rest of the page is missing!

Dropping the object, I crawl around, skimming each page that has been scattered across the floor, only to find typed paragraphs instead of handwritten ones.

Gritting my teeth, I flop down, slumping against the wall. Pulling the journal into my grubby lap, I drum my fingers against the cover.

I was so close to finding out how to avoid being turned into one of those things... But now I will never find out.

I honestly can't believe what's going on. This is all insane. Grumbling, I run my hand through my locks, trying to calm my haywire emotions.

I need to make a schedule. Scribble notes of when the wolf sets off, when it arrives, the time it sleeps, and gets up.

Heading to each window, I peel off the covers to reveal the outside. Clouds polluted the dark blanket, not even the moon was insight.

Yet, the faintest of movements caught my attention. Emerging from the tree line, was my kidnapper.

Sniffing the air, the large animal stares right at the den. His eyes bore into mine, almost in a challenging way.

Knowing now isn't the time to try and challenge him, I divert my gaze to the shattered shards of glass at my feet briefly until he turned away.

Happy he wasn't going to face me again, I fully raise my gaze, and keep watching as it starts to circle a single spot on the ground before dropping without a care in the world.

This is it, this is my chance! I need a pen, or anything to make a mark in the journal.

Scanning the room, high and low, every nook and cranny, even the drawers, I came across a small thin stick of black.

Thank heavens!

I hurriedly write down what it's doing, and begin the agonizing count...

I estimated that at lease four hours must have passed before it started to wake. I will allow it maybe ten minutes to give the monster some time to fall into slumber.

As it began to sleep, I noticed that there was a faint sound of chirping in the trees, and it's rare to hear them in the day, so that could be the signal.

Making note in the journal, I couldn't help but sigh in relief. I think this can work.

No, this will work, all I have to do is be patient. I will give this a day or two to keep track of his sleeping hours, eating habits and journey.

Don't worry Jace, I'll make it home for you. Your mum and dad will be so proud of you, just as much as I am.

Your my hero, and I will keep going for as long as I can until your story is heard...

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