Chapter 28

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Josephine's P.O.V

My stomach lurches then tightens. Then there's an intense tightening in my chest that refuses to let my rib cage-free. My throat tightened at the memory of the day Maddie died. I take a few deep breaths and continue reading.

Maddie Brooks

Height: 5'2

Hair Color: Chestnut Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Weight: 109

Age: 17

Note: Sold to Jack Julian for $3,000

Staus: Eliminated in the crossfire of receiving the package.

I fought the urge to scream and rip the papers in front of me. My best friend was reduced to just being an item. Maddie was diminished to a price tag. My hands tore into the paper and I quickly stopped myself.

There was a loud commotion outside. I pulled out my phone and took pictures of Maddie's files then put it back. I decided to look into Lily's files and sure enough, it read...sold to Jack Julian.

My anger for this sick sadistic man grew. But the worst part is that my intentions were right. Principle Hawkins was helping sell her students into Jack Julian's human trafficking system. I took a few pictures of Lily's files and decided to look into more.

All of these students that were deemed "missing" or "transferred" to other schools had all suffered the same fate. My stomach felt queasy but I kept taking as many pictures as I could. Despite the growing anxiety that grew in my head.

The door swung open and Principle Hawkins stood in the doorway panting and pieces of her blonde hair sticking to her sweaty forehead. She shrieked and pointed an accusing finger towards me.

"Thief! You broke into my office and are trying to steal something!"

I racked my brain to try and figure out something to say. "This isn't what it looks like!" But it was exactly what it looked like. I broke into her office and was rummaging through her things.

Before I knew it four police officers appeared in her office. Why did they need four? I began feeling light-headed and confused. There were too many people here. The room was spinning and I tried to reach for something to lean on.

Principal Hawkins backed away, her eyes widening in alarm. "Did you see that?! She tried to hit me!"

One of the police officers yanks me by the arm and pins me against the hard floor. I shut my eyes in fear. My heart soars and my pulse drummed. The cop places his knee against my back to keep me pinned to the floor even though I don't dare move once.

The other one pats me down and searches me way too many times that I lose count. They find nothing. What were they expecting me to hide in a dress? I count to a hundred to keep me from freaking out as I wait for their next move.

They roughly place silver handcuffs on my wrists and I ignore the metal cutting into my skin. The officer heaves me to my feet, ripping my dress in the process. My legs quiver in reply. My body withered and swaggered and I found it difficult to walk or stand.

"Get on your feet!" He barked. But that doesn't make a difference. They practically drag me out of her office and down the hall. Panic seized my brain of the fate I was about to face. What was going to happen to me?

I searched for Carter's and Luna's familiar faces but they weren't a trace of both of them in sight.

"You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you. If you waive these rights and talk to us, anything you say may be used against you in court." 

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