Chapter One

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HEY HEY HEY!! WARNING!! THIS IS FIC IS REALLY ANGSTY! I MEAN VERY SUPER MEGA ULTRA ANGSTY AND I JUST WANT Y'ALL TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF INTO! (I also technically don't have an "ending" to it. I mean I do?? And I don't??? Just so you know)

A young boy sat excitedly waiting. He had called a very popular radio show, and had just been told that he was up next. He was barely sitting still. Huddled in the corner of his bed, he was basically vibrating. Then, it happened.

"Hello, there listener! You are on air! What is your question?" Present Mic had picked up. It took him a second to fully process the fact that Present Mic was talking to him.

"Uh.. oh! Well, hi, first I would like to say that I am a huge fan of your work and was wondering a few things about your quirk. First I was wondering if you could try.." and Midoriya went off. It was hard to get him to fully stop his analysis once he was in this state. He kept shooting off different uses for his quirks and different strengths that even Mic hadn't thought of.

"I'm not sure there little listener! I'll have to try that some time! Thank you!"

Right before Present Mic could hang up on him, Midoriya cut in.

"Wait! Is it- is it possible for me- for me to be come a hero... even without a quirk?"

There was a small silence, then a very thoughtful answer. "Yes... I think... if you work hard enough, and don't give up I think... you can be a hero."


The next time Midoriya called was a few months later. By then they had revealed to the public that Present Mic was in fact married to Eraserhead. It was not, of course, on purpose. They thought that they were alone after a particularly difficult job, and they were both really tired. Eraserhead had leaned into Present Mic's shoulder, and kissed him.

The media went crazy.

"Hello, you are on air! What is your question?" Present Mic was expecting the same thing that he usually gets. Questions about heroism, or questions about his marriage(only happening more recently). What he was not expecting, however was a question about his husbands quirk.

"Hi, I was wondering if Eraserhead had tried winking."

This was an unexpected, and particularly strange question.

"Winking?" Present Mic's confusion could be heard in his voice. What was this kid thinking?

"Yeah! Winking, rather than blinking, he can wink and get the tear ducts working, and not get dry eye... while also seeing his intended targets."

Present Mic paused.

"One second."

Present Mic rushed out of his recording studio as fast as he could. He then burst into his room.

"Getupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetupgetup!" He was curious, and needed answers.

"Hizashi... its 4am. This better be important."

"Have you tried winking to keep your eyes from getting dry?" Aizawa sat up in bed, not sure what, exactly his husband had woken him up for.

"When erasing someones quirk, have you tried winking rather than blinking to keep yourself from getting dry eye?"

Aizawa froze. How had he not thought of it? It could work. He just needed too see the person.

"Where did this come from?" Aizawa's voice was still groggy. He had just gotten back from patrol an hour ago. He was exhausted. 

"A caller... I put them on hold. I can just tell them no clue, and tell them to call later if you want."

"No I wanna test this."

Hizashi's eyes lit up.

On the other end of the call, Midoriya was bouncing in his seat. After a few minutes of silence, Present Mic picked up again.

"Well little listener, I can tell you with full certainty now, it does work for him to wink. He says thank you." Present Mic hung up on him, and Midoriya's heart dang near jumped out of his chest. Not only did Eraserhead consider his idea, but he said that it worked. Eraserhead had thanked him. This was enough for anyone to be excited.


Present Mic clicked on one of the callers.

"Hello! You are on air, what is your question?"

A sniffling could be heard on the other end.

"Do-do you think I'm useless for being quirkless. Do you think I'm a Deku?" Present Mic could feel his heart snap in half. He didn't know exactly how young this kid was, but he could tell for sure he was a victim of bullying. Someone had called him a Deku. And he was not happy.

"Of course not!" He had no idea what to say. How could anyone tell this kid that he was useless. He recognized the voice. This was one of the smartest kids he had ever heard of. "What's your name, listener?"

"Iz-izuku Mid*hic*Midoriya."

"Well, Midoriya, I think that whoever said that is stupid. Obviously, you are a very smart kid. You gave both me and Eraserhead advice that we still use. You are not useless, and you are not a Deku. Don't let anyone let you believe any differently."

Present Mic could tell that Midoriya calmed down a little bit.

"Thank you, Present Mic."

"No. Thank you. Without you, I would not act as well as a hero as I do now. Have a nice night little listener."

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