Chapter Twenty One

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Everything was quiet, too quiet. Everyone had noticed it. It was if all of the villains had taken the month off. Everyone knew something was wrong.

Dread hung in the air, and clung to everyone's back like a parasite. It dug it's claws into peoples heads and infected their brains. Everyone had different theories. 

They're planning a large scale attack. 

They are working in secret

Theory after theory. Out of all of them, there was only one that really stuck in peoples minds. This one was announced by the largest news station in Japan. 'Just the News, News' They played their broadcast at 3:00 pm on Sunday night.

"Everyone has noticed the absence of villains all over Japan, but the police have offered nothing to soothe our minds. The only thing that we can be sure of is that something is wrong. There are many questions on the peoples' minds. 'Are they waiting for something?' 'Did someone issue the order to stop?' And of course, the main question on everyone's minds is, 'When will the villainy start again?' That's all for today, and remember, that's just the news." 

Are they waiting for something?

Are they waiting for something?

That, for some reason, was the one that scared everyone the most?

What would people be waiting for? Why was everyone so on board with waiting in the first place? Someone must be scary enough to get even the worst of the worst to submit. 


Aizawa knew that something was off. Everyone did, but they still had a job to go to. Everyone was shocked that they were back. When he walked into the classroom, everyone looked on the brink of tears. 

Aizawa was greatly healed up by the time that he was back, but still had multiple bandages on the worse wounds, including a small one underneath is right eye. 

Midoriya went straight to the desk, and started working on his school work. He was (in his head) a bit behind. 

Aizawa pulled out a folder that had been waiting untouched in his desk. He passed out the packets and told everyone to get into their gym clothes. Everyone did so without question. Nezu had told them the gist of what happened. Their teacher had been kidnapped and tortured, and was obviously tired. They assumed that he had nightmares, based on the fact he looked even more tired than usual.

They headed to Gym Gamma, and brought the packets with them. When they got there, Midoriya was in the corner, on the laptop, and typing away. As everyone was flooding into the room, they watched Midoriya.

He pulled out his phone, and started to type. After a second he laughed. LAUGHED. Now that they thought about it, not once had they ever seen Midoriya laugh. Aizawa walked over next to Midoriya and Midoriya showed him his phone. Aizawa cracked a smile. A genuine smile. 

Everyone stared in disbelief at the display before them. 

What had the kid showed their teacher?

They quickly snapped out of their daze when Aizawa looked back at them.

"If everyone is done gawking at my son and I, you could read the packets." His voice was monotone as ever. How had he just been smiling a second before?

"YOUR SON?!?" Everyone shouted.

"Yes, now read your packets, I don't want to have to say it again. Time is a necessity that we don't have." He ruffled Midoriya's hair as he walked in front of the class. 

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