Chapter Nine

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Stabby( ◞・౪・)- I'm bored

Midoriya- Same

Crusty UwU- And were supposed to do what?

BurntChickenNugget- We're

Crusty UwU- Screw off

Stabby( ◞・౪・)-oof

Stabby( ◞・౪・) changed Midoriya's name to CinnamonRoll

CinnamonRoll- Wat

BurntChickenNugget- tru tru

Crusty UwU- Oh, so "tru" is okay, but were is not?

BurntChickenNugget- Yes

Stabby( ◞・౪・)-Pfft

CinnamonRoll- We're and were are two different words, and can be confused.

True and tru cannot

BurntChickenNugget- Ye

Crusty UwU- ugh

Stabby( ◞・౪・)- I want cotton candy

CinnamonRoll- Now I want cotton candy

Stabby( ◞・౪・)- Hehehehehehe

CinnamonRoll- Oh, I gotta go.

gotta learn some stuff.

Stabby( ◞・౪・)-Oof bai

Crusty UwU- bye

BurntChickenNugget- Bye.

Midoriya smiled at his phone. He had made some new friends, and was really enjoying talking to them. They were a bit chaotic, yes, but he liked that about them. He looked up to the computer on the desk, and began working on his classes. He had improved and made it a lot faster than anyone had predicted. He was two years ahead of where he  was supposed to be, and already halfway done with his classes.

The lunch bell rang, and he ran off to lunch. Aizawa stayed back, working on grading papers. Nemuri met up with Midoriya at the teachers lounge.

"Hey, sweetie, how was your day?"

"Great! I talked to Toga, Dabi, and Shigiraki. They are really cool. I still want to learn more about their quirks, but we would have to set up a meeting with the doctor to do that, and Aizawa and Hizashi are busy."

"Why would you need a doctor?" Nemuri was getting a little nervous.

"I'd have some blood drawn, and we would test out a few things with Toga." Midoriya happily chowed down on the rest of his food.

"What is Toga's quirk?" Nemuri asked carefully.

"When she drinks someones blood, she can transform into them. She hasn't really been able to test it out to find out more on it, so I volunteered." 

Nemuri nodded numbly. He just volunteered his blood so that a friend could test out their quirk, no big deal.

"Can we get some cotton candy?" Midoriya looked into Nemuri's eyes. 

"Sure, sweetie.Let's go get some cotton candy." Midoriya smiled widely.

CinnamonRoll- I got some cotton candy


Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri were all worried beyond comprehension. Midoriya was just going to have one pint drawn, but they were all acting like it was going to kill him. While it was happening, Toga, Dabi, Shigiraki, and Midoriya happily chatted. Kurogiri, the kids' adoptive father, sat in the corner, and read a book. 

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