Chapter Seven

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Aizawa and Hizashi were sitting in bed next to each other. Everything from dinner had been cleaned up, and they both tucked Midoriya into bed.

"I don't think that we should enroll Midoriya into a public school. It would be better of we have him take online classes. We would be able to keep an eye on him, and he would love to analyse our students quirks." Aizawa looked over at Hizashi.

Hizashi thought for a moment, aligning the pro's and con's.

"It could work. I'm sure he would excel quickly, and the students would love him too."

"I'm worried about the man he saw. Why would he kill Midoriya's mother? Why..?" Aizawa didn't finish his question. Why did he let Midoriya live? 

"That is not going to be something we worry about tonight. Tonight we will cuddle, and know that Midoriya is safe." 

Hizashi wrapped an arm around Aizawa's shoulder. They sunk down into the bed, and relished in each others heat. They had three blankets on top of them, and way too many pillows below them. It was a lot, but they were comfortable, so they didn't really care.


At three in the morning, Hizashi's alarm went off, and he went to the recording room to start his radio show. He was in there until five. At that point, Aizawa was walking into the kitchen to make coffee, Hizashi following suit. At six, they were all showered, caffeinated, and ready for work. 

Hizashi walked into Midoriya's room, and gently pressed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, 'Zuku, time to get up buddy. Come on, I made Miso soup. Come on... there you go." 

Midoriya yawned, and rubbed his eye. He sat in his All Might onesie, and was still half asleep.

"Mornin' Hizashi-san.

"Mornin' 'Zuku. C'mon, breakfast is waiting." He grabbed Midoriya's hand, and walked into the living room. Midoriya was very close to falling asleep, and ate very sluggishly. 

Slowly, but surely, he woke up. Luckily it was in time for Aizawa and Hizashi to take Midoriya to work with them.

The ride to work was a short one, they only live about 15 minutes away from Yuuei. The first place that they went was Principle Nezus office, to make sure it was okay that he was taking online classes at the school. Nezu too happy about the idea. 

Hizashi and Aizawa then debated on who would take Midoriya with them. They knew that they would have to trade off guardianship, but they were unsure of who would take him first. That is until Midoriya casually grabbed onto Aizawa's hand that they decided on where he would go. 

They walked into the class, and saw that all of the students were in disarray. Once he stepped in the room, however, all of the students rushed to their seats.

"Four seconds, better."

"Aizawa-san? Who is that?" A tall girl pointed to Midoriya.

"This is Midoriya. He is going to be observing, and making notes on your quirks. He will also be taking online classes during the more academic parts of your learning. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Start working on your homework, I have something to do. Just be quiet."

Aizawa turned to Midoriya, and crouched down to his level. "Okay, I have the laptop you are going to be using to take your classes, just give me a minute to set it up, okay?" Midoriya nodded. 

Aizawa ruffled Midoriya's hair, before standing and walking over to his desk. He signed Midoriya up for the class and sat him down in his chair. A small gasp erupted from the class. NO ONE sat in his chair, and yet he was allowing this kid to sit in it. 

"Let me know if you need any help, okay?" Midoriya nodded, and got to work.

When Aizawa directed his attention back to the class, they all quickly looked back at their papers. It was obvious that they were all staring at the duo at the front of the class. 

"Continue to work on that until the bell rings. I will be taking a nap. Stay silent. Midoriya, don't hesitate to ask for help." Aizawa climbed into his sleeping bag, and flopped onto the ground. 


The bell rung signifying that the class would be leaving. After about five minutes the next class came in, and Aizawa was out of his sleeping bag. Midoriya continued to type away at the computer. 

All of the kids came in, prepared to just sit down, but quickly faltered when they saw saw the small kid sitting at Aizawa's desk, while being shadowed by their teacher. No one really knew what to do. There was a KID sitting at their teachers desk. Everyone stood crowded in the classroom door like a deer in the headlights. 

"You're doing really good Midoriya, keep it up!" Aizawa turned to the class, and his entire demeanor changed. "Get in your seats, we don't have time for you to gape at us." All of the class came to their senses, and rushed to their seats. 

"Who is that, though, Aizawa-san?" A small boy in the back corner of the class spoke up.

"This is Midoriya, he will be analyzing your quirks, and during the more academic parts of your training taking online classes."

"I don't need some runt analyzing my quirk!" A boy in the front of the class shouted. 

"Midoriya! Will you come here for a second?" Midoriya rushed over next to Aizawa, and looked at the boy in front of them.

"His quirk is Paralysis. He can paralyze someone, as long as he is looking at them. Tell me about it." 

"Well, he probably needs to keeps his eyes open, and can't have his vision blocked at all, which gives him a severe disadvantage when it comes to hand to hand combat. He also needs to keep his eyes open for it to work, otherwise they leave his field of vision. On top of that, there could be a limit to it, so he can't fight that many people at once, unless he has very extensive training. I would recommend that he works out more often than what happens, though that is a good recommendation for all of you, and I also recommend he train at keeping his eyes open for an extended period of time."

"Thank you Midoriya, you can go back to your work, now." 

The class was dumbfounded. He got all that from seeing him for five seconds? Aizawa, on the other hand, stared at the class with his usual grin.

"Any other objections?"

A small chorus of "No, sir," filled the room.

"Good. Now, today, we will...."


Lunch came quickly. Aizawa had been dreading it. That was when Nemuri was going to meet Midoriya, and he had no clue what she had planned. 

"'ZUKU!"Aizawa jerked his head towards the door to see Nemuri and Hizashi standing there with their arms full off bags. They both rushed into the room, and set them down on the table in the center of the room. 

"I'm getting some lunch, don't smother him too much." Aizawa walked away from the inevitable headache. 

"I got you some stuff, I hope you like it. As your new aunt, it is my job to spoil you!" Midoriya was a little overwhelmed on the matter. First of all, Midnight was in front of him; second of all, Midnight had proclaimed herself his aunt; third of all, she brought presents. He had no clue of what to pay attention to. 

Before he could ask any questions, she started to pull things out of the bags. She got him stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, books, and basically anything hero themed that she could get her hands on.  

"Thank you!" Midoriya had a large grin on his face. He had already tried arguing with Hizashi that he didn't deserve gifts, but lost miserably. He wasn't even going to try with both Nemuri and Hizashi. 

"I made you a bento. We are going to be talking about all your favorite heroes." Nemuri passed over the homemade bento, and listened along with Hizashi, to all of his ramblings. 

Yeah, Midoriya is going to be happy here. 

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