Chapter Thirteen

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The next week was literal torture for Aizawa, Nemuri, and Hizashi. Every morning the Shadows (dubbed this by Hizashi) would grab and torture each of them consecutively. They asked for information on Yuuei, information on other heroes, and basically anything that could help them get the upper hand. 

They weren't fed very much. Every day they got a single slice of bread and a glass of water. Aizawa was making plans on how to get out. He was going to get Midoriya back. He was going to make sure he was safe. 

Hizashi and Nemuri weren't fairing much better. He knew they were all struggling to keep the information to themselves. He knew that they wanted it all to be over. They wanted it to end. He told stories of Midoriya during the day. He knew it was day because of the small window across them just below the ceiling. 

He watched the day pass by most of the time. He sent his love to Midoriya every night hoping he could somehow help him get to sleep. 

Memories of Midoriya kept him going. He wasn't going to admit this out lout, but, planning the death of their captors helped out as well. They were going to die, and it was going to be slow.


The next week was amazing for Midoriya. They played video games, and joked with each other. Kurogiri began homeschooling him, and he was on the top of his academics. He was learning at a high school level. Kurogiri was greatly impressed. 

Life was going okay. But there was still this nagging in the back of his head. He did not deserve any of this. Everyone he got close to dies. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve this. He did not deserve to be happy.

No matter how hard he tried, he was always hindered by that thought. He couldn't. He wouldn't let himself. When his mother, his dad, his papa, and his aunt were all dead. If he weren't such a quirkless deku, Kacch- Bagugou wouldn't have bullied him, and Bakugou would have been forced to go to anger management. He wouldn't have that mark on his record. 


There was a solution. Of course he would never do it. He would never....

It festered in his mind. It grew, and evolved. It consumed his thoughts at night. He stopped looking for help. He stopped openly crying. He went to get a snack every night, and talked with the others like usual, but he never opened up about why he was up.

Slowly he came to terms with the solution. That's what he referred to it as. The Solution, as if the word itself was too much to bare. He didn't want to think about what it meant. He had a good reason. He had the right mind. He was helping them.

That didn't make it any less difficult.

He waited until he knew everyone was either asleep (Kurogiri) or in the kitchen eating their late night snack. He headed to the bathroom. He stared at the knife he had stored there. Gosh, was he going to do it? 

It was sharp. Very sharp. He sat on the toilet seat, and placed the note down.

Dear New Family,

I'm sorry. I tried. I failed you. That is to be expected. I am a quirkless deku after all. I am going to leave. I hope you are right Toga. I hope I go home. Don't follow me there. Wait until your time. I know it was supposed to me mine a while ago. I know that I shouldn't even have been born. I am just putting everything right with the world. Sorry for not being the good hero you can look to for safety.

I hope you understand.

Love, Izuku.

It was short and sweet. He didn't want too much of a sense of guilt. He wanted them to know it wasn't them. It wasn't their fault.

He stared at the knife for a moment. It was a large knife. He could easily cut off his own hand with it. He pressed it up against his skin....

"'Zuzu?" Midoriya froze. Toga's voice filtered through the door.

"Yeah?" His voice wavered. His discomfort was plain, you could hear he was crying in his voice. He didn't even notice he was until then. 

"You alright?" Worry dripped from Toga's voice. 

"Y-yeah!" No one believed that.

"Can I come in? I just want to talk." 

"NO! I- I mean, don't come in. Please." He was desperate. He knew if he were to leave it would take a while. He knew that he would to have not been discovered. And here he was.

"I will disintegrate the doorknob if you don't open this door." Midoriya was shocked to hear Shigiraki's voice. He never spoke. His voice was scratchy from disuse.

"Please... no...." 

"Midoriya please don't do what we think you are doing." Dabi's voice was calm, and clear. 

"Izuku we need you." Midoriya continued to cry. He listened to their pleas staring at the knife. What is he doing?  He leveled it over his heart for a moment. He could do it. 

"Please, I can't lose another sibling!" Midoriya froze. Dabi's voice was the most panicked he had ever heard it. 


"I love you! I can't lose you too, so if you do not open this door, I swear I will break it down!" 

He hesitated, before setting the knife on the counter and walking over to the door. He opened it with a click. Immediately he was engulfed in a hug.

Even worse, they were apologizing to him.

They collapsed into a pile on the floor. They were all tired. And exhaustion overtook them. They fell asleep in the comfort of each other.

You good.


Aizawa was expecting pain, and torture when the door opened. He was not expecting a small purple haired boy. The boy opened the door, and looked around their prison. 

"What did they do to you?" The child's voice was shaky, and uneven. Fear dripped from his features. 

"Nothing you need to worry about. How did you get here?" Aizawa's voice was shaky and ragged from screaming. 

"You're in my basement. My parents are at work don't worry." He looked around, then pulled out a key he had found. "I am going to get you out of here." 

He made a move towards Hizashi, the person closest to him, a the slamming of a door was heard. "SHINSOU!" 

"I have to go." He shoved the key into Hizashi's mouth. "For when you might need it."  He ran out of the room before anyone could even utter a thank you.

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