Chapter Eighteen

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They were all miserable, and that was to be expected. They were bandaged up as best as they could be, and began making a game plan.

"We have to find Izuku." Hizashi was the first to say anything.

"We need medical attention," Nemuri reasoned. Aizawa groaned, but nodded.

"Alright, let's go." Their car was gone, so they had to walk. That would've been fine, if it weren't for the fact that 1. they were beaten black and blue and looked like they lost a fight with a cheese grater, and 2. on the way there, a car screeched by while the driver was screaming out the window, "BLIND MAN COMING THROUGH!! BLIND MAN DRIVING A VEHICLE!!!" People pulled over as fast as possible.

Once they staggered into the hospital, people began moving a lot quicker. They called all the emergency room doctors to get them. They were all put into separate rooms, and the doctors immediately got to work. By the end of it, they were all covered in bandages.

The questioning was difficult. They were all allowed to be in the same room for that. They all told a close truth. They were stabbed. They woke up in these peoples basement. They tortured them for information. Then, they escaped, and the house was destroyed in a fire, and they believe that the people that took them are still there.

The police asked them questions. What did they look like? What did they ask? Hitoshi was in the room with them, and was visibly panicking.

"Is this their son?" The police officer asked.

"Yes. He was the one who helped us escape," Aizawa answered. He was trying to remain stone faced, but it was difficult to do. His injuries were still in pain, and this was a touchy subject. "Hizashi and I would like to take him in." 

"Okay. That can be arranged." The police officer jotted down some notes, and looked back up. 

"Your son is safe, you know." 

"What?!" Nemuri cut in. They didn't believe the Shadows when they told them that Midoriya was safe, but hearing it from the police was different.

"Yes. A man named Kurogiri came in with Midoriya and his three other kids. He said that he found Midoriya surrounded by dead bodies. The file says that the perpetrators stabbed each of you, then slit their own throats. Midoriya claims that it was mind control. A man without a face did it to them." The police officer shook his head, "We aren't sure what to believe. We left the case open in case there is any new evidence. Everyone is sure glad we did that. Anyway, we called them a few minutes ago, they should be here soon."

Hizashi, Nemuri, and Aizawa sat there in shock. What was that audio that they heard? What was going on?


Midoriya wasn't sure what was going on. Kurogiri received a phone call, then immediately rushed them all out the door. They were driving as fast as the law would allow, and Kurogiri said they were going to the hospital. Midoriya wasn't sure what was going on, but knew that it was important. 

"I'm sure everything is fine," Toga tried to assure him, though he could tell that she was nervous herself. Dabi and Shigiraki were quiet. He grabbed Dabi's hand, and rubbed small circles on the back of it. He was leaning into Toga. 

"Yeah. Everything is going to be fine." He was more trying to reassure himself than anything. Why in the world were they going to the hospital in such a rush?

Kurogiri pulled up in front of the hospital a few minutes later. He rushed them all out and practically ran to the front desk. 

"I'm Kurogiri I've been called here by the police?" Kurogiri was trying to remain calm. None of their attempts at being calm were working, really.

The front desk lady nodded and gave them the room number to go to, and off they went again.

In front of the door, Kurogiri turned to Midoriya.

"Are you ready?" Kurogiri asked.

"Ready for what?" 

"Are you ready?" He asked again, a little more intensely this time. 


Kurogiri seemed pleased with this answer and opened the door. Inside was a police officer asking the people behind the curtain some questions. Midoriya could see that there were three beds, but couldn't make out exactly who was there.

The police officer turned toward them, and smiled. 

"Izuku Midoriya I presume?" Midoriya nodded wordlessly.

"I have some people here I believe you would be happy to see." The officer got up and moved the curtain back.

And sitting there were Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri. They were ALIVE.

"Dad, Papa?" His voice was shaky. Tears were already threatening to spill out of his eyes.

His legs were moving before he could even process it. His parents (and aunt) were alive. They were alive. He ran over to them and -as gently as possible- hugged them ferociously. Now he was crying. He turned back to his newer family, and smiled widely.

"They're alive," he said. It was barely above a whisper, but it said a great deal to him.

If y'all wanna send me some fanart, send it to my discord. Lizard King( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)#7416. This chapter is a little bit shorter, but I just felt that the pacing made that the perfect ending. There is a 100% chance that each piece of art I get will have a chapter dedicated to it. Y'all future Picasso's deserve it.

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