Chapter Four

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"Life is a hell of a thing to happen to a person." - David Rossi, Criminal Minds

The ride to the hospital was quiet, to say the least. It was only fifteen minutes, yet it felt like an eternity. Midoriya was not looking forward to getting there. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed up a quick message. It was a simple question, really. "What happens during hospital procedures?" He pocketed his phone and waited for the familiar buzz. 

Once he got there, he felt it. He whipped his phone out of his pocket, and looked at the message like it was about to save his life. His eyes quickly scanned the words. Then, another text followed. 

Eraserhead- Shouldn't you be in school?

Problem Child- They pulled me out, they said it's for an investigation.

Eraserhead- Really? On what?

Problem Child- Kacchan. The detective said he won't go to jail, but he will be punished. I hope it isn't too bad. 

I'm really not worth all this trouble. Just a quirkless deku.

Eraserhead- You are not a "deku". Just because you don't have a quirk doesn't make you useless. You have helped many heroes with your analysis. You are a hero to the heroes. That makes you much more than a "deku", and above many of the heroes. 

Midoriya teared up. He was conflicted. He knew, deep down, that Eraserhead wouldn't lie to him. On the other hand, so many people had told him otherwise. So many people told him that he was useless, and would never achieve anything. Yet here Eraserhead was, telling him that not only was Midoriya not useless, he was better than many heroes. 

"Izuku Midoriya? Come on in," A tall lady stood in the doorway of the waiting room. She was slim, and had purple hair settling around her shoulders. She wore a white dress, that went down to her knees. She held a clipboard in her hands. Midoriya felt an aura of calm around her.

"Just sit on that table right there. Alright. Detective, do you have any areas of concern?" She asked the older man.

"His back and his arm are the main spots. He wouldn't tell me much else," he admitted. 

"Alrighty. Do you think you could go out into the waiting room? I've noticed kids tend to admit more when it's just me. I'm told I have a calming aura." With that she gave the detective a small wink, and and sent him out. 

When she turned back around, she gave Midoriya a patient smile. "My name is Sakura. Would you mind showing me your arm? You don't have to worry about me hurting you. I will be gentle." 

For whatever reason, Midoriya believed her, and stuck out his arm. Very gently, Sakura pulled up his sleeve to reveal a large burn mark on his arm. Her smile fell. She recovered her demeanor quickly, though. 

"Okay, I'm going to need to take a photo of this, is that alright?" Midoriya nodded. She pulled out her phone. "Will you take off your shirt for me? I'm going to need to see the burn on your back as well."

The burn on Midoriya's back was severely better than it was the night before. However, it still hurt to touch, and was hypersensitive to everything around it. When Midoriya took of his shirt, he was careful around his burn, and set the shirt on the bed beside him. 

Sakura walked around him, and was happy that he couldn't see her, otherwise he would have seen her step back, and visibly keep herself from gasping. The burn on his back was horrible. She was shocked as to how a kid his age had given it to him. Quickly, she took a picture, and recovered what was left of her demeanor. No matter how badly she wanted to hold the kid for hours on end, she had a job to do.

"Are there any more burns?" she asked sweetly. 

"No." His eyes were glued to the floor.

"Alrighty. The doctor will be in shortly." She left the room wishing that her quirk worked on herself. 


Walking out of the hospital, Midoriya felt a lot better. The doctor had had a healing quirk, and was very kind. (He was given a lollipop) What he was not ready for, was his mother. The detective brought him home himself. 

The door swung open on the first knock.

"IZUKU!" Midoriya was immediately enveloped in a hug. "Why didn't you tell me you were being bullied, I would've helped you!" Tears were streaming down the Inko's face. She was worrying the entire time. She wanted her son to be okay.

"Sorry, I didn't want you to worry." HE apologized to HER. 

"Honey, don't apologize. I will always worry about you. That's my job. You need to tell me these things. I am here to protect you." Inko pulled Midoriya into a tighter hug, and thanked the detective. 

"I made Katsudon, your favorite." 


Dinner was a calm affair. Inko watched lovingly as Izuku raved about his new favorite hero Eraserhead. She wasn't sure as to what caused this new passion, but she wasn't complaining. She loved watching this spark in her son's face. It was nice to see. 


Getting ready for bed, Aizawa felt his thoughts drift to Midoriya. He wasn't exactly sure why. He was just some kid, right? Yet, he felt like he needed to check up on him. Make sure the hospital visit went okay. Today was a day he got to get to bed at a reasonable hour so he knew without a doubt the kid would still be up.

Eraserhead- How did the hospital visit go?

Problem Child- Fine. How was your day?

Eraserhead- It was fine, but the conversation topic is still going to be on you. What happened?

Problem Child- A detective came in and questioned each of the students in my class. He has a lie detector quirk. I wish I asked him some questions on it. I wanted to, I was just super nervous. I didn't want to upset him.

Eraserhead- Detective Tsukauchi? 

Problem Child- Yeah

Eraserhead- I know him. I could pass on the answers to the questions if you want.

Problem Child- You sure? I don't want to be a burden.

Eraserhead- You could never be a burden kid, trust me. 

Aizawa then received a list of questions. This kid was going to be the death of him. 

Sakura Ito

Age- 28

Quirk- Aura

She can create a calming aura around herself, that causes the people near her to be more trusting of her. 

I can't sleep. help. how does one slep. 

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