Chapter Eight

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"Aizawa-san?" Aizawa turned towards the student. 

"When will Midoria-kun be analyzing our quirks?" The student was in his third class. She was a smaller girl, long blonde hair draped over her shoulders, and down to her hips. Her eyes were a deep red, and she was paler than any other student in her year. 

"He has been analyzing your quirks. You will be getting your reports shortly." He continued his lesson, as if nothing was wrong. 

Everyone's eyes got diverted to Midoriya who was continuing to type away at the computer. They were pretty sure he was too busy with his work to have analyzed any of their quirks. They didn't know what to expect.


"'Zuku!!" Nemuri ran full speed at Midoriya. Both of them had grown close to each other. They spent each lunch together, and she listened to everything that Midoriya had to say. 

Aizawa usually spent lunch going over the work that he had to do, and the papers he needed to grade. He also used that time to check in on Midoriya's progress. He had made great pace with his work, and Aizawa was proud. 

"I'm almost done with Class A! All of their quirks are really cool! There is this boy who can breathe ice! A girl can grow her nails as long as she wants!" Nemuri smiled down at Midoriya.

"That's really cool 'Zuku! How is online school?" Midoriya grinned up at her.

"I've got the math down, and the science is super easy! It's really interesting, though. Did you know that one of the theories on how the quirks came to be is..." Midoriya continued on with his rant through lunch, taking time to eat some of his food, before continuing on. Nemuri asked questions here and there, and never lost her smile. 


Hizashi cared about Midoriya, and any passer by could see that. Everyone who knew Hizashi personally knew that that was an understatement. Hizashi wanted the child to be happy and healthy, and was willing to do almost anything to get that.

"'Zuku!!!" He ran up to the boy, and gave him a hug. "I was thinking that we could head on over to the aquarium later on. There are these huge sharks, and the care takers have some amazing quirks." Midoriya nodded enthusiastically. 

Hizashi, Aizawa, and Nemuri liked taking Midoriya out and listening to him rant about other peoples quirks. No matter what others might say, they were always patient with Midoriya. They made sure he knew he was loved and cared about, but they weren't pushy about it. They all knew that wasn't what you were supposed to do. 

"I met a boy with a really cool quirk with his brother here." This piqued Hizashi's interest.

"Who was it?"

"Tenya Iida. His brother is Ingenium." Midoriya's face grew more passionate as he thought of the boy. "He has jet engines in his legs. He let me see them. They are really big, but I can see a lot of uses for them, as well as transportation. He could use them to swing his leg forward with more ferocity, and he could push himself forward for a strong punch. I think that it's really cool that his engines are powered by orange juice, at least some of the ingredients in orange juice. It might be the vitamin C, and he just finds it easier to consume it in liquid form. Or, maybe he just hasn't found anything else that helps him, but there are other things that could work."

"Maybe." Hizashi had brought Midoriya onto his lap and they were sitting at Aizawa's desk. "What do you want for Lunch?"

Midoriya pondered the question for a moment. "Katsudon!" 

"You really like that stuff, huh?" Hizashi smiled at Midoriya. He tried to ignore the even bigger smile growing on his face as he listened to the rest of the kids ramblings as they walked into the lunch room.

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