Chapter Fifteen

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I want to thank @eimi_yosei  for writing this chapter                       

 I also want to say, this is going to be SUPER gruesome. It is... so gorey. There is a little recap at the end, if you don't want to read this one. 

Aizawa walked into the torture room, ready to commit something worse than murder.

Aizawa could never forgive them for what they did to his husband and his best friend; right before they were freed by Shinsou, they looked utterly horrible.

Hizashi's face was full of rough, gnarly cuts, some starting to infect. Half-dried blood continued to drop down his face, creating weird layers in the drips, showing the way the new blood had continued to fall in the same pattern as the dried, crusty blood.

There were large gashes in his chest, soaking his t-shirt in thick, dark blood. You couldn't see those cuts too clearly, but in the places you could see through, where his clothes were shredded...those places are too sickening to put into words. The best description would be a fleshy, pulsing, bloody animal from the butcher's, cuts going randomly with blunt, rusty knives.

Midnight wasn't much better. Now-red hair clung to her sweaty, infected, bloody face. Gashes and cuts were everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE.

Parts of her arms were skinned, the new skin underneath looking pink and tender. There were cuts there too. All ten of her fingernails had been removed, making her fingers to bleed and pulse randomly.

They've been working on slowly removing her kneecaps, but you couldn't see that very clearly. You can hear her screams while it's happening, though.

There was something even more horrendous though, believe it or not. The space between her nostrils was the first to go. They sliced the bone, then cut the skin around it. Without that, her whole nose just looked loose. Ever since then, they've been cutting small slivers off of the tip.

Blood was always present. 

Keeping this in mind, Aizawa's thoughts were filled only with destruction. But first, he wanted to see the faces of these vile creatures. 

First was the female. He slowly inched the black mask off of her, and saw a woman in about her late twenties with periwinkle coloured hair in a messy top bun, hair clinging to her face. Two loose parts at the front went down to a bit past her shoulders. She had a petite nose and thick lips. Her eyes were pretty shape with long eyelashes and the dark purple colour of her irises just complimented them further. 

Under different circumstances, she would have looked beautiful. Now, her menacing snarl, demented eyes and unkempt hair made her look... unhinged, to say the least.

Aizawa moved on to the man he presumed to be Shinsou's father. He took the mask off of him, and saw a face that couldn't exactly be described as... pretty. He had wild, purple hair that clearly resembled Shinsou's, along with a thin beard on his chin. He had a sharp jawline and a distinguished nose. His eyes looked to be half-closed, emphasizing his huge eyebags. His mouth was set into a straight line, showing no emotion or interest.

He moved on to the last man, the one Shinsou had called Chisuke. Before the mask was even removed, it was clear that he had a tall and slim build. Probably wouldn't be the strongest, but just as threatening. He just looked so... sharp, like the edge of a blade. 

He removed mask slowly, fear building up inside of him as a long, jagged scar going from about just below his jawline to through his right eyebrow came into view. The scar was about an inch thick and wide in his cheek, then decreased into a small sliver from there. The skin around it was tight, like it had been pulled into place.

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