Chapter Ten

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You have been warned

The police were confused to say the least. Midoriya was back. Why, and with who were the main mysteries. That was until the man introduced himself. Kurogiri. This man was the one who found a child surrounded by dead bodies. Midoriya's second family had been killed. 

Everyone was a lot more gentle around him after that.

Kurogiri explained the situation. He was asked some questions, and Midoriya asked some questions, and then they were sent on their way with the instruction to take care of themselves, and to fill out the paperwork and bring it back by the end of the week.

Midoriya was now living with Kurogiri and his merry band of misfits. 

When they first arrived at the home Midoriya was immediately hit with a wave of comfort. The couch had a blanket laid across the back, and was very cushion-y. A few things were strewn here and there, and overall the house looked very lived in.

The lights were dimmer than Aizawa and Hizashi's house, and right then Midoriya was thankful for it. He was ready to collapse and sleep for the rest of eternity. 

Toga had held his hand the entire way to the house. Midoriya was soothed by it. It was an anchor to the present. Her hand was soft, and she rubbed small circles on the back of his hand with her thumb. He may not be happy, but at least he was calm. 

Toga was the one who showed him to his room. After all, it was her room too. Shigiraki and Dabi were already sharing a room, so there was only one place for him to sleep. They were going to pick up his stuff the next day. Again.

Midoriya hated how familiar it was. How he knew what was going to happen. He knew the looks that he was going to get, and exactly how they were going to treat them. They would be walking on eggshells around him. He knew that he would probably break down in front of them. It was still annoying though. How everyone would treat him like he would shatter at any moment.

The room was medium, and a little bit of a mess. Posters littered the walls, and clothes littered the floor. One thing Midoriya noticed, was that the family weren't a huge fan of Heroes. He wanted to know why, but knew now wasn't the time.

Instead of hero things, Toga had band merch. OLD band merch. OLD AMERICAN band merch. She just said that she likes the way that the American language sounds, and left it at that.

She told him that he would sleep in her bed until they got him his own. They were very comfortable around him. It was as if they had already decided that he was apart of their family. They opened their home to him, and now Toga was trusting him to sleep in the same bed as her. Why were they so comfortable around him? They knew that his mother died, that someone had targeted the people around him.

(Panic attack trigger warning)

(It does kinda suck tho)

It was his fault. His family would be alive if it weren't for him. He felt his breathing quicken, but he didn't care. Everyone around him dies, and there was no stopping it. He clutched his chest, and started to feel dizzy. It was all his fault. It was all his fault. It is all your-

"Izuku!" Toga clutched Midoriya's shoulder, just as much as he was clutching hers. Midoriya was sitting on her bed, and breathing shallowly. Tears were running down his face, and he knew he had to leave. He didn't want them to die. He wanted them to be safe, and they would not be safe around them.

"IZUKU!" Toga shouted louder. "Listen to me, listen to my breathing. Try to copy it." Toga began breathing slowly, and heavily.

"I- I can't-" 

"It's okay. You don't need to talk, just listen to my voice. You are right here. In, out, in out." Midoriya tried to follow her instructions. Slowly, he felt himself calm down. The world became clearer. He was safe. He was in Toga's arms. He was s a f e.

(Panic attack over)

"Better?" Toga's voice was soft, and comforting.

"What- what was that?" 

"Panic attack. We all get them. That one was pretty bad, though, I can tell." 

"What? I-" Toga continued to rub circles on Midoriya's back.

"'Zuku, take your time. Panic attacks can be... difficult." Midoriya laid his head on Toga's shoulder. "Whenever you need to talk, I'll be here." 

They sat there for a while. Dabi came to check on them, but left when he saw the state of Midoriya. He knew that they needed some time alone, and Midoriya was thankful for that.

"What do you think happens to us after we die?"

"I think we go home."

For some reason, that was exactly what Midoriya wanted to hear.


Aizawa woke up chained to a chair. Pain flared in his arm, leg, and stomach. He heard a groan beside him, and took every ounce of energy he had to look over. The sight in front of him made him want to puke. 

Hizashi was sitting next to him, and he looked terrible. Blood was caked to his face, and his clothes were in tatters. A large collar was wrapped around his neck, that was also wrapped around Aizawa's. Hizashi looked unconscious. He turned to his other side.

Nemuri looked a little better than Hizashi. Her shirt was soaked in blood, but other than that she had no major wounds. She wore the same collar that Hizashi and Aizawa did.

Who are these people?

Then a thought hit his his mind like a train.

Where is Midoriya?

He didn't have much time to ponder the question, because two goons came into the room.

"Looks like our little sleeping beauty is awake." The first man's voice was gruff. He wore a mask, and covered every bit of skin with black cloth. 

"Where's Midoriya?" Speaking was a lot more difficult than he remembered. Every breath he took was painful. None of that mattered. He needed to know where Midoriya was. He needed to know his son was safe.

A chuckle erupted from the two in front of him. 

"The brat? He's fine. We've taken him somewhere... safe." The second man's voice was smoother. Calmer. 

"You tell me where he is right now or I swear-" 

"You'll what? Kill us? The kid already thinks you're dead." The first man leaned in front of him. "There is no use to fight back." He was ruffly pulled from the chair. Aizawa fought with all his might, but did nothing. Not a dent. He tried to activate his quirk, then realized he couldn't. Quirk suppressing collar. He realized. He was going to have to be smart. And he would have to think fast.


Hizashi woke up, and looked beside him, where Aizawa should have been. The seat was empty. Panic ran through his veins. They were going to torture his husband the same way they had him. He waited for the inevitable. 

The sound was excruciating to listen to. Screams echoed through the halls. It was loud.. too loud. The sounds of his husband being tortured filled his ears, and his mind. He had to get out of here. He had to protect his husband, he had to protect his son, wherever he may be. He hoped he was in a better place than where they were.

Don't worry, we will get back to you. You will be saved.

A/N Over 500 people have read this thing, and I am so happy. I know that's probably not a l ot but its a lot for me. So, thanks.

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