Chapter Twenty Three

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"You are my sunshine... my only sunshine... you make me happy." Aizawa sniffled, pulling the body closer to him. "When skies are gray. You'll never know dear.... how much I- how much I love you. Please don't take... my sunshine away." Aizawa's voice was soft. He clutched the body closer to himself. He cradled the head, and hoped for some miracle. He hoped they weren't dead. He hoped that they would be alright.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." 

78 hours earlier

Midoriya sighed. Eraser and Present were cuddling into his side. He wasn't allowed to watch the news, so he didn't know exactly what was going on, but he knew that it wasn't good. Everyone was on edge, but they wouldn't tell him anything.

He was laying on his bed, Hitoshi was on his. They had been sharing a room. It was quiet, and Midoriya liked it that way.

He pulled out his phone and browsed Herogram. There wasn't anything new, so he turned his phone back off and burrowed deeper into his blankets. He was relishing in the warmth. He needed to savor moments like these.

Today was Saturday, and everyone was taking a break. Aizawa was in their room, Hizashi was in the living room, and Nemuri at her apartment. They were all doing their own thing. 

Midoriya stood, walking into the kitchen. He stared into the fridge, unsure of what to eat. Hizashi made sure that the fridge was always stocked. He settled on some fruit, and headed back to his room. 

Aizawa sat in his room browsing the internet. He was trying to get any new news on the sudden silence of villainy. He was tired, but he needed to know. He needed to know that Midoriya was safe in their society. He checked other places in the world. Sure enough, villainy was still happening. What was it about Japan that made the villains go into radio silence. Who in Japan?

It was all very frustrating. They all made sure that Midoriya didn't hear anything about it. They didn't want to put any more stress on him than needed. 

Aizawa sighed, rubbing his forehead. He needed a nap. He laid back, tossing his phone onto the bedside table, and closed his eyes. Something is happening. Something is happening and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

Hizashi read in the living room. He was reading a popular English book series from before quirks. Percy Jackson. He wasn't exactly sure what brought the series to his attention, but he was curious. Turns out the book series is amazing. He's a little addicted.

He's been trying to keep his mind of things. He knows something bad is going to happen. They all do. He knows that there is no use being afraid 24/7. They all still have lives to get to. So, he read, he taught, and he continued to do his radio show like normal.

People have been asking him questions that he isn't sure he can answer. They ask him what he thinks is happening, what the heroes are doing about it, etc. He tries to stay optimistic. He makes sure that everyone else is positive as well.

He turned the page. He was on the fifth book in the series, and it was getting interesting. If the villains were going to act he hoped they would give him time to finish the book.

Nemuri hated villains. She didn't know if she could spread this sentiment enough.

She hated them. She hated everything about them. They believe they are above the law, and better than everyone else. They use their own power to spread fear into the hearts of everyone who sees them. 

She paced around her apartment. This is probably what they wanted. They probably wanted them to get worked up. They wanted to people to be afraid. And their plan was working. Everything shut down, and she hated it. There should be something, anything. Nothing. Not one petty crime has been reported.

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