Chapter Seventeen

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"I have always been attracted to the broken. Not because I want to fix them, I don't want to fix anyone. I can't even fix myself. Rather I know we connect on another level, a real one. We know what pain feels like. How it feels to sleep with a broken heart, only to wake up and paint a smile on your face and act as if everything is "okay." Because that's what people like me do, like we do, like survivors do." J. Iron Word

"Why?" The question was simple. 

Midoriya stared at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. He really did not want to be having this conversation with Kurogiri. He would rather be anywhere else in the world. 

"I..." He didn't really know how to answer. He didn't want to allude to the fact that he didn't like living with them. He did, it's just.. He didn't want to do this anymore. He couldn't stand the pain. He couldn't just sit there knowing that Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri aren't just going to walk through the door. 

"I..." tears sprang from his eyes. "I.. was just.. so sad. It felt- it felt like someone had carved out my heart. Like- like," he wiped his face with his sleeve, "like there was a gaping- gaping hole in my chest. I- I couldn't - I couldn't take it any-anymore. I'm sorry. I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry." 

Toga grabbed his hand. "You don't need to be sorry. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

Dabi softly rubbed circles into his back, just like Nemuri used to do when he cried. 

"We know what that's like. We know a good councilor who you can talk to. She is really nice, and gives you candy after each session. We all go to her." Toga gave him a soft smile, and leaned more into his side.

"I set up a meeting tomorrow. She is very sweet." Kurogiri tried to remain as calm as possible, but Shigiraki could see that he was faltering. Kurogiri had grown to deeply care for Midoriya and wanted him to be okay. He wanted... he wanted a lot of things, that he knew he probably wouldn't get. 

"We all care about you." Dabi wrapped his arm around Midoriya and Toga.

CrustyUwU - Yeah, who would help me boost my ego at Mario Kart?

Midoriya spared a small smile at the text, and Shigiraki smiled back. 

"Are you sure it's not too expensive?" Midoriya asked. "I don't want to be a burden." 

"You can never, and never will be, a burden, Izuku," Dabi said quickly. He seemed to be angry about something, but was doing his best to hide it for Midoriya. 

"Besides, she sees all of her clients as her children, so she will be happy to have you join." 


The next day, Midoriya felt sick to his stomach. Dread clung to him like a wet blanket, and his movements were stiff. No one judged him. Toga, on the other hand, made sure that he was surrounded by positivity. She never let go of his hand. 

The office was small. It was in a far corner of the city, and Dabi, Toga, and Shigiraki insisted on coming. Shigiraki sat in front, while Dabi and Toga sandwiched him in the back seat, each holding onto one of his hands.

"She'll love you 'Zuzu." Toga reassured as they walked into the building. 

The lady that greeted him was tall. She was around 30 years old, and had long teal hair. She wore a simple black dress, and sneakers. 

"Hi, you must be Midoriya, I'm Kiyo Chien." She smiled warmly at him. It radiated off of her. Midoriya quietly wondered if that was part of her quirk.

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