Chapter Fourteen

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"A thousand words won't bring you back,
I know because I tried. 
Neither will a thousand tears.
I know because I cried."
Kily Dunbar

Kurogiri came to the group sleeping on the floor and thought nothing of it. They tended to fall asleep at random areas. That is, until he saw the knife, and the note. Midoriya was going to commit suicide. He was going to kill himself on Kurogiri's watch. Guilt buried itsel in his stomach. 

He should have seen the signs. They were there, and he saw them now. He was withdrawing. He seemed distant. He just assumed that it was because he had lost his family members. He was grieving. Everyone acts differently when they grieve. Why hadn't he seen? Why was he so... so blind? 

He left them to sleep. It was only four in the morning. When he left, they were all in bed, he made sure of that. He knew this happened while he was at work. There was nothing he could do now, he would just need to make sure that Midoriya feels better now.

He would have to keep a closer eye on Midoriya. He would make sure that he knows exactly why he deserves to live, and why they are lucky to have him in their lives. He will know that they are happy to have him, and exactly what he was worth.

He headed back to his bedroom, and slept the rest of the time. 

Dabi was the one who woke him up. His expression was grim.

"You saw didn't you?" Kurogiri nodded. "We need to talk to him about it more seriously. Last night it was a more heat of the moment type thing."

"Yes. Should we discuss over breakfast?"

"Yeah, let's do that." 

"I'll start after I clean up." 


Shigiraki didn't know what to do. When he woke up, Midoriya's head was on his lap, and Toga was watching them. He wanted to get up but sensed that Toga would not be happy if he woke Midoriya. Shigiraki really wished that he had his phone. He could play some games to pass the time. 

To say time passed slowly was an undersatement. Dabi joined back in a few minutes after he left, and cuddled up with Toga. Toga continued to grin widely at Shigiraki. He did not like that look. He knew she was planning something. 

Dabi and Toga seemed to have a silent conversation. Dabi grinned at her and they both stood up, giving Shigiraki a firm look before they left. When they came back, they were both holding their phones, and taking pictures of the duo.

"You son of a-"

"Ah ah ah, no cursing in front of the baby." Dabi and Shigiraki were both whispering so that Midoriya could get some sleep. 

"I hate you," 

"You looove us." Toga snickered. She couldn't speak, she was too busy holding in a laugh.

"If it weren't for the laws of this land...."

"You really, really loooove us." 

Shigiraki flipped them off as they ran to the other room. 


Hizashi panicked. The purple haired boy- Shinsou he presumed- had just shoved their salvation in his mouth, and ran off. What was he supposed to do?! He just sat there, chained to the chair. The only time they were unchained was to eat, and even then, they were on full watch and it was just their hands unchained. There was no way they could get out. 

Shinsou didn't show his face the next day. Who did however were the Shadows. Hizashi was quite proud of the name. He really wanted to go to Aizawa. He missed being in his arms. But he had a mission, and he needed it to look real. So, he launched himself at Nemuri, and pressed his lips firmly on hers, discreetly pushing the key from his mouth to hers. He pulled away and whispered, "Get out of here, even if I can't." 

Hizashi was pulled from Nemuri roughly, and he was dragged to the other room. The screaming lasted a little longer, and there wasn't that much time in between. They weren't torturing him for information. They were torturing him as punishment. 

Now the key was in Nemuri's mouth. She didn't exactly have full use of his hands either. The upside was she had some leeway. She was flexible. She could work with that. She waited until she knew that the people were gone, and spit out the key onto her lap. She contorted to where even her muscles were screaming at her.

She grabbed the key, and set to work on the locks. Her arms were killing her and she knew that she looked like a horror show, but she needed to get out of here, if it was the last thing she would do.

She was out. At least, her hands were. She still had her legs to get undone. She worked quickly, and ran over to Aizawa. 

"Sorry for kissing your husband," she muttered as she unchained Aizawa.

"I'll forgive you when we get out of here." 

The key didn't work on the collars. It would've been so much easier if they didn't have their quirks disabled. They still didn't know if what their captors quirks were, and for all they know all of this could've been a set up. But, on the other hand, any chance of getting out and getting to Midoriya was a chance they were willing to take.

Then, the shit hit the fan. 

Nemuri and Aizawa had Hizashi propped between them, and were trying to get him to wake up. He was barely conscious when the door flew open. The Shadows were back, and they were pissed. 

"Making your great escape, huh?" 

Aizawa sent the best glare he could muster their way. He would find his son, and he would get out of there, and they would not live to see tomorrow. He would be sure of it. 

"YOU THINK YOU CAN GET OUT OF HERE?! HERE?! HONEY, THIS IS A JAIL CELL, AND YOU ARE THE PRISONERS, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE HERE!" The lady in the center stepped forward. She reached her hand out to Hizashi's forehead but was cut off by a flying fork. 

"Huh?" Everyone turned to the doorway. Shinsou was standing there, a determined look on his face. 

"I will not let you hurt them anymore!" 

"Kid-" she cut herself off.

"Chain yourself, Dad, and Chisuke up, and leave them alone." Shinsou had an authoritative tone to his voice, but he was shaking. 

To Aizawa's surprise and delight, they did it. Shinsou had a mind control quirk. A very powerful one too. Of course Shinsou's dad and Chisuke put up a fight, but there was a reason the woman was the leader. 

"Thank you, kid." His voice was scratchy, but he did his best to make it as soft as possible. 

They had been saved. 

"Go ahead and take Shinsou and Hizashi out, I have some... questions I need to ask them. " 

He leered at the people. He was getting answers, even if he had to rip it out of their throats. Yeah.. that would work.

A/N sorry for not posting, the person righting the... questioning scene hasn't finished quite yet(no rush, take your time). I felt bad for not publishing as soon as I usually do, so I made it to where the end of this chapter could be rounded off. Sorry for not doing this before. 

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