Chapter Three

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Dadzawa- Alright, Nemuri, I need you to work your magic.

Nuisance #1- What?

Dadzawa- Midoriya's being bullied. Pretty badly too.


Nuisance #2- Aight, who do I need to murder.

Dadzawa- Someone named "Kacchan". I'm pretty sure that's a nickname, so try to find anyone ?that could fit under that nickname.

Nuisance #1- You got it.

Nuisance #2- Where did you get that photo?

Dadzawa- He asked me how to treat burns. I asked him for a photo so I could gauge what he should do.

Nuisance #2- He treated *that* by himelf?

Dadzawa- No, but he refused to go to the doctor. Eventually he settled on letting me treat the wound. It was pretty bad.

Nuisance #2- YOU GOT TO SEE HIM IN PERSON?!?!?!

Dadzawa- Yeah?

Nuisance #2- No fair. I wanna see that broccoli boi in person.

Dadzawa- No

Nuisance #2- Try to stop me. I have his number.

Dadzawa- Hizashi I swear.....

Nuisance #2- Too late.

On Hizashi's end, he was cackling like a mad man. For two reasons. 1. He was gonna talking to his broccoli boi. 2. It was ticking off Aizawa. Win-Win.

His fingers flew across his keys. He was excited. He could adopt him before Nemuri. He couldn't wait to rub this in her face.

Present Mic- Hey, kid, this is Present Mic. I'm checking in. How is the burn?

Hizashi press send on the text, and continued work. A few hours later he got a reply.

Broccoli Boi- It's ok.

Present Mic- I'm glad.

By the way, who is "Kacchan"?

Broccoli Boi- He's my friend. He has this really cool quirk where he sweats nitroglycerin and can set of explosions from his hands. It works with both attacks, and as a form of transportation if the explosion is big enough. It's really powerful, and he can become a really great hero someday.

Present Mic- He sounds cool. Why did he use his quirk on you?

Broccoli Boi- He was just rough housing. I guess he doesn't know his own strength.

It sounded fake to Hizashi, but he let it drop. He continued to ask him questions, and smiling at the answers. It was nice. He definitely knew that he needed to adopt the child.

Present Mic- Is "Kacchan" his actual name?

Broccoli Boi- No, his name is Bakugou. Why?

Present Mic- Just wondering. I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later, okay?

Broccoli Boi- Okay! (人◕ω◕)

Present Mic stared at the emoticon placed at the end of the text. Of course he would. He is just so gosh darn adorable.

He went back to the group chat with Aizawa and Nemuri and reported the new information he recieved.

Nuisance #2- Bakugou

Nuisance #1- What?

Nuisance #2- Kacchan's name is Bakugou. Check the year book, and see if that matches any names please.

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