Chapter Twelve

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The bed was delivered the next hour. Toga and Midoriya began the journey of decorating the room. It was a calm affair overall. That is, until they got to an Midnight poster signed by Midnight herself.

The crying was quieter, and calmer than before. He stood hunched over the poster. Staring at Nemuri's smiling face just made everything more real. She was dead. She was killed. Toga was there in a split second with words of comfort and plans of cuddling while talking about the loved ones they've lost. 

"Why- why did they have to-" Midoriya fell back into fits of crying again.

"It's okay, shhh shh. You don't have to talk. I'm right here." They sat there for a while, both waiting for Midoriya to calm down. 

"Better?" Midoriya nodded. "Want to talk about it?" 

"Later. I want to finish unpacking these boxes, if that's alright with you." Toga nodded, and rubbed his back.

"Whatever you want." Unpacking the posters was pretty difficult. There was a lot of merch that reminded him of his family. Toga just talked him through it and reminded him that wherever they are, they were home. Midoriya had a little bit more crowded of a wall than he did before, but that was okay. He liked it.

Rather than splitting the room in half, they sorted the posters by color. Red, orange, yellow, blue, on and on all had their own section. It was cool to look at. 

"It looks nice." Toga spoke up. "I think our room looks better than Dabi and Shigiraki's."

Midoriya smiled at her. The time they spent together wasn't long, but he could already tell he loved having her as a sister.

"How about we go get a snack and hang out with them." Midoriya nodded enthusiastically. He wanted to get closer to Shigiraki and Dabi. Shigiraki and him had been texting, and Dabi had seemed to respect him, but he wanted to become brothers with them. They both seemed to be holding back around him, and it was kind of annoying.

They could hear shouting even in the hall with the door shut.

"Oh suck a dick, asshole, did you just blueshell me?!?!?!" 

Toga snorted from beside Midoriya. Midoriya had a feeling that this was a common occurrence. Toga whipped out her phone and quickly texted the group chat.

Stabby( ◞・౪・)- No cursing in front of the baby!!!!

They walked into the living room, just as the match ended. Shigiraki and Dabi both looked at their phones.

Crusty UwU- Baby?

BurntChickenNugget- Izuku, duh

Stabby( ◞・౪・)- Duh

Crusty UwU- I hate you

Stabby( ◞・౪・)- You looove us

BurntChickenNugget- Love

CinnamonRoll- :( Why do you hate us?

Crusty UwU- I don't hate you I hate them

CinnamonRoll- Oh cool

"I call Walauigi!" Midoriya dove for a controller, and Toga snatched one out of Dabi's hand, yelling "Mine!" and quickly jumping on the couch.

Dabi went to attack her, but was cut off when she said, "Couch is the safe zone, family rule!" 

He groaned and went to get another controller, muttering, "Hate that rule."

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